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“What the fuck is going on in here?” Scar’s voice boomed.
Pyro stood behind him with a shit eating grin on his face.
Willow jumped, and spun around, at the sound of his voice almost falling off the stool and dropping her coffee cup in the process. The cup hit the ground, liquid and porcelain shattering across the floor, drawing Scar and Pyro’s attention towards her.
“Oh, shit,” Scar grunted looking at Willow.
“Good one, way to bloody go you big buffoon, you gave the poor girl the fright of her life,” scolded Molly, racing around and hugging Willow to her.
“What the fuck happened to the girl’s face?” Scar bellowed just noticing the cuts.
“It’s a long story,” Molly grumbled.
“She got into a fight with some chick,” I said, at the same time.
That made Scar look even angrier than he had before.
Months passed since Willows birthday.
Slammer had taken me off the babysitting gig, giving it to Pyro, Scar, Tank or Shadow. I didn’t like it, but if I complained he sent me out of town on a run. The bastard took great delight in sending me away for days on end, sometimes even weeks, and he always laughed when he did it. He gave great lectures on how he’d kill me if I touched his daughter before she was eighteen.
None of his speeches scared me as much as the day Scar told me he’d cut my dick off, and make me choke on it, if I touched his granddaughter in any way.
Oh yeah, they both knew I had my sights set on Willow. When she turns eighteen all bets are off, I will have her, I will make her mine.
I didn’t get to follow her every day anymore, but I still knew where she was. I kept tabs on her, I could still track her via her phone. I could even text her, not that I had, yet.
Pyro played the big, bad protector act well. He warned me, and threatened me, every time I asked about her. Willow didn’t know about Pyro and he didn’t want her to.
I spent a lot of time trying to fuck her out of my head to begin with. I wasn’t a saint, and I didn’t pretend to be. I had numerous club sluts, but I still couldn’t get her smile out of my mind, her name fell from my lips pissing many girls off. Night after night I dreamt about her. I was like a teenage boy again, taking myself in hand, thinking about her.
Pyro and Tank were the other ones that gave me hell for the way I was acting where Willow was concerned. They plied me with alcohol, and sent club slut after club slut to me, laughing their asses off when I sent the girls back untouched.
I also spent a lot of time finding excuses to see her. I’d turn up at Slammer’s, usually tagging along with one of the others, just hoping to get a glimpse of her or get the chance to talk to her. I was never able to talk to her. Slammer or Scar always watched. I got smiles, and hellos, but that was all I was limited to.
I could talk to her without anyone knowing. I had her number stored in my phone. I’d had it since I first started following her for Slammer to keep tabs on where she was.
I wanted her in my bed, under me, on top of me. I wanted to see her wearing my shirt with little, to nothing else, on underneath. I wanted in her bed. In her room. I wanted her in my life without all the interference.
I still had just under 12 months till she turned eighteen, and it couldn’t come quick enough.
Chapter Fourteen.
Sitting in English, the teacher was talking about our next assignment. She was going to be pairing us up to complete this assignment. I hated when they paired us up for class assignments. I usually got stuck with someone who didn’t want to do any of the work, and then I was always left doing all the work myself.
Although by the sounds of this one it wasn’t a joint marking. We each had to do a report on our partner. We had two weeks to get to know each other and write up a report and a PowerPoint presentation on each other.
“Willow Moore and Cynthia Southwell.” I looked up at Mrs. Holmes, and then across at the girl who I was paired with.
Mrs Holmes continued to call out names, pairing them up. When she finished, she said, “Ok everyone, now find your partner, and discuss your assignment for the rest of the lesson.” She walked around the classroom placing the assignment on everyone’s desk.
“Hey, I’m Cyndi,” she said taking the seat next to me.
“Willow,” I reply.
Picking up the assignment, we both start reading through it. “So, it says we have to get to know our partner and we have to do a report on each other,” Cyndi said screwing up her nose as she read.
“Great,” I said taking my notebook out, I write Cyndi Southwell, Aka Cyn at the top of my page.
Cyndi looks over at what I am doing, quickly doing the same she writes Willow Moore Aka Low at the top of hers.
“That’s not my nickname,” I said, pointing towards the top of her page.
“It is now,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“How old are you?”
“Seventeen, what about you?”
“Seventeen” she answered, “favourite colour or colours?”
“Black and purple” I answer, “yours?”
“Pink. I’m a huge fan of pink,” she said. “I should have guessed purple, you’ve got purple streaks in your hair.”
“I could say the same thing about you,” I said pointing my pen towards her pink streaks.
“True,” she said. “Ok so, next question. Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“No not that I’m aware of,” I say, “How about you, any brothers or sisters?”
“Yeah, I have a little brother. His name is Mason, he’s six years old” she said, as I write down her answers.
“Nice. Do you have any pets?” I ask.
“Nope. Do you have any pets?” Cyndi asks.
“Nah,” I say.
“Ok class, the bell is about to ring. Please discuss with your partner a time over the weekend to work on your assignments,” Mrs Holmes said from the front of the classroom.
“I could come to yours or you could come to mine,” Cyndi says starting to pack her stuff up.
“Ok do you want to come to mine tomorrow?” I ask.
“Sure, what’s your addie?”
I rattled off my address to her, and she got a huge smile on her face. “You live across the road from me,” she said happily.
“Really?” I asked, shocked.
Starting to head out of class, as the bell goes, she said. “Yep, we should walk home together,”
“Ok sounds good.”
We parted ways and headed to our next classes.
That afternoon we met up at the front gates to walk home. We listen to music as we talk about our assignment.
Reaching her house, we decided to meet up at mine tomorrow after lunch, to work on our assignment together. I tell her to bring her swimmers, so we can go swimming too. She quickly agrees, turning to walk across the yard to her front door.
Walking across the street to my house, I wave at Shadow as he hops off his bike. As I reached my front door he asked, “Make a friend Willow?”
“Yeh, I think so,” I said smiling as we walk inside.
Shadow was a large guy, he towered over me, I always had to look up at him. He had a shaved head with tattoos everywhere. He had piercings in his ears, tongue, lip, and his eyebrow.
He always wore jeans with chains attached from the belt loops to his wallet, a black t-shirt and his cut. Which had been explained to me that it is not a vest, but a cut.
Making my way up the stairs, I walked into my room and throwing my bag on the floor beside my desk, I flopped down on my bed.
Chapter Fifteen.
Dear Mum
Claire and I had a huge fight (we still aren’t talking). In losing Claire I also lost Sam and Tommy. I don’t know if we’ll be friends again, or what the future will hold in that department, but I’m also not worried about it too much. Maybe our paths will cross aga
in someday.
I mean it hurts because I’ve known them forever, but I guess I’ll get over it.
Aiden sat me down and we had a heart to heart. He told me he was the President of a motorcycle club. He explained that he was responsible for everyone in the club. He gave the orders and they jumped, was the impression I got. I asked about the uniform vest, and he laughed and said it was called a cut, not a vest.
He explained that the club runs and owns a few side businesses, one business is a bike shop; they have a mechanic, and they also do custom makes and paint jobs. The club also runs a strip club.
He also explained that some of the guys in the club held regular jobs, that the club itself had nothing to do with.
That was the only details he would give me. After that, he bought dinner, we ate, and he left for the weekend.
North is a spray painter and mechanic. He works with some of the other guys in the big shed out back, as well as designing some of the bikes that Aiden’s bike shop sell.
North walked into my life and hasn’t exactly left. I see him every day, he’s at the house doing something for Aiden, he’s here with some of the other guys. North, Savage, Pyro and Tank are all constants around the house. They will all smile and nod at me but North never talks to me. He stays at a constant distance like a shadow, even if I can’t see him, I know that he’s there. Sometimes it’s only the rumble of his bike, other times I get butterflies in my stomach, and then I know he’s close by. Sometimes I hear him downstairs, or I get a whiff of his scent which is totally intoxicating, and I know that he’s here in the house.
Always watching, but always distant. You would think that it would creep me out but it's the opposite, he makes me feel safe, completely and utterly safe, but at the same time it frustrates me to no end that he won’t talk to me.
I met my Grandfather, who I might also add Mum is scary as shit. He’s huge, mean looking, and he has this big ugly scar on one side of his face.
He doesn’t want to be called Grandpa, or Pa, or anything associated with a Grandfather. He told me to call him Scar.
When he first walked into the room he gave me the fright of my life. I dropped my coffee mug on the floor. I gave Gran and North a heart attack.
Scar doesn’t say much; he just does a lot of grunting. I only really spent that afternoon with him. I got the feeling that he would rather be anywhere than here. He looked uncomfortable and awkward the whole time. Gran said it’s because he’s a hard man and he doesn’t do family sit downs. She also laughed and said if anyone could change him it’d be me. He terrifies me. I certainly wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him. While he terrifies me, he makes me feel protected.
Love Forever and Always
Your Daughter
Dear Mum
Today is Christmas.
We had Christmas lunch with Gran, Scar, and Aiden.
Gran woke me up early to help her prepare lunch.
We had a roast turkey, chicken, lamb, and pork. Veggies, and salad, and pasta dishes. For dessert we had a trifle, pavlova and a fruitcake. There was also ice-cream, jelly and custard.
I had never seen so much food for so little people. But Gran assured me it wouldn’t go to waste.
We even decorated the whole house for Christmas, we had a huge tree, with decorations everywhere. We had Christmas lights up, inside and out. It looked like Christmas threw up inside our house.
Aiden gave me a locket with a photo of you inside it, and a new phone.
Scar gave me money. He said he doesn’t do shopping and I could buy whatever I want. I figure I’ll use the money to get my first tattoo.
Molly gave me a photo collage, it had photos of everyone I love. It's hanging above my bed in my room. It has photos of you, Aiden, Gran, Scar, North and a couple of other guys from the clubhouse.
I also got perfume, bath products, hair products, gift cards and makeup.
We all had a blast. It’s the first Christmas that felt special since you’ve been gone.
After lunch, North, Pyro, Shadow and Tank turned up and demolished the rest of the food that was left over from lunch. So, I guess Gran was right.
I miss you every single day.
Merry Christmas Mum.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Chapter Sixteen.
Cyndi and I had been hanging out for the last couple of months. During the Christmas holidays we spent a lot of time together going swimming, shopping, watching movies and doing makeovers. The week before school went back we were listening to the music channel in my room, and painting our nails, when a truck pulled in next door.
Looking out the window, we watched as two vehicles pulled up in front of the house.
Three boys jumped out of one, slamming the doors shut. Two of them looked very similar, almost identical. They were about the same height with light brown hair. They both wore jeans and t-shirts, and they didn’t look much older than us.
The third boy was slightly taller, he had long shaggy blonde hair, he wore board shorts, and a bright tie-dye singlet. He looked like he was older than us.
In the other car, a boy and a little girl jumped out followed by an older couple.
The boy looked to be around our age. He had dark hair, styled with some sort of mousse or gel by the looks of it. He wore tight-fitted, faded, well-worn jeans and a white Hurley t-shirt.
The little girl was wearing a frilly dress, and ballet slippers. She looked to be around five. She had gorgeous long blonde hair.
We watch as the boys all help to carry boxes into the house. The little girl was playing in the backyard, running around blowing bubbles and laughing.
We watch as the boys lugged boxes into the house for a while, before Cyndi went home.
Pyro was waiting on his bike when I walked outside. He was parked slightly down the road. He waved as I walked across the street to meet Cyndi, she came running out of her house, shoving stuff into her bag with a piece of toast hanging from her mouth.
“I overslept,” Cyndi mumbled around a mouth full as she tried to zip up her bag.
“All good, we aren’t late.” I said.
When we arrived at school Pyro rode past on his bike, Cyndi blew him a kiss as he revved it, waving he took off.
We walked to our first class, sitting in our usual seats, and we took out our books and pens.
One of the guys that just moved in next door walked into the classroom and talked to the teacher before she pointed in our direction. He walked over to us and sat in the vacant chair on my right. Pulling his things out he placed them on the table.
“Hi, I’m Jacob,” he said, extending his hand towards me.
His hair is gelled up and styled. He’s wearing the school uniform of grey pants and white button up shirt with its blue tie.
“Hey, I’m Willow and this is Cyndi,” I said taking his hand and shaking it.
He smiled and waved at Cyndi, who waved back, “you just moved into our street,” she said.
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeh, next door to me and across the road from Cyndi,” I said.
“Oh cool.”
For the rest of the class, we were quiet, while we did our work. When the bell rang, we packed up our stuff and walked out of class together.
“Join us for lunch?” Cyndi asked.
“Yeh,” I agreed with her.
We arranged to meet up near the round garden, and then went our separate ways.
At lunch we met up, and sat outside under the tree, near the library. Cyndi started asking Jacob about all of his brothers, and his life before moving here.
“Ah Josh is alright, he’s the blonde, he’s the eldest out of all of us. Then you have Matt and Dylan, they’re twins. They are eighteen months older than me, and they are complete douche bags.
And then there is Gracie, she is the baby of the family at five,” he said.
“We lived on the Gold Coast before moving here. I wouldn’t be surprised if Josh goes back there soon. He loves the beach too much to be too far from it.” he said.
“Oh wow.”
“Do your brothers have girlfriends?” Cyndi asked.
“Are you kidding me?” he laughed “they’re man whores. They’d screw anything that walks and if it didn’t walk, they’d push it.”
That gets us all laughing and joking around, until the bell rings.
Chapter Seventeen.
Dear Mum,
It’s been a while since I wrote to you last.
Christmas to be exact.
Anyway, I’ve finally made some new friends in the last few months. It feels good to get out and talk to people again.
Cyndi lives across the street with her Mum, and her younger brother Mason, he’s only six. She lost her Father to cancer about a year ago.
We hit it off during a class project we got paired up for.
Jacob lives next door with his parents and his three older brothers Josh, Dylan and Matt (who are twins), and his younger sister Gracie. They only moved in a couple months ago.
Cyndi has blonde hair with pink streaks, so in a way, we match because I have the opposite to her, black with purple and blue streaks, but we like all the same things. She’s completely boy crazy and is always talking about them and pointing out all their qualities. She’s also a bit of a flirt.
Jacob, we think is gay, but we aren’t a hundred percent sure. We think that he’s keeping it a secret and doesn’t want anyone to know. I think that Matt and Dylan know because they pick on him and call him names like fag, poof, fairy and homo all the time.
Jacob hates them, but I guess brothers fight.
All three of us hit it off on his first day of school. We have been inseparable ever since. They have helped me a lot. I no longer feel like I’m falling apart. I can laugh again. I have more happy days then I do sad days.
I feel like I’m finally starting to heal.