North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Read online

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  You guessed it.

  Aiden forgot my Birthday.

  No presents, no card, no cake, no happy birthday.


  A big fat nothing from Aiden.

  And the worst thing. I didn’t expect anything either.

  Claire, Sam and Tommy came to surprise me for it. I love them for that. Seriously, I do.

  But Aiden caught us on the doorstep, and well that’s as far as we got. It then turned into me screaming at Aiden.

  I want to do something wild. Maybe I should get drunk or get a tattoo.

  What would Daddy say then?

  Everyone is still downstairs as I write this to you.

  I also got wrapped in the arms of this muscly hot dude...

  He thought I was in danger from my friends for some reason.


  The guy made me blush, he put butterflies in my stomach.

  He made me feel complete, like I wasn’t all alone.

  I haven’t felt like that since you died Mum, and I’ve never met this guy before.

  He smells like summer and leather. It’s a smell that makes you want to draw him in close and just inhale.

  He made me forget that my friends were even there.

  He made me forget everything with just a smile.

  Hell’s Legacy MC... That’s what one of his patches says. He had another patch on the back of his vest, a huge lightning fork hitting a bike and the bike was in flames.

  MC, what the hell is an MC?

  How does he know Aiden?

  What’s Aiden’s connection to an MC?

  Why does this guy call Aiden Slammer?

  Why does this guy think I’m in danger?

  Why was Aiden never around?

  ? ? ? ? ?

  I have so many questions, and you’re not here to answer them.

  You can’t give me advice.

  Why did you leave me?

  Why did it have to be you?

  Why? Why? Why? WHY?

  I need you.

  Aiden’s banging on my door right now! He’s apologizing for forgetting my birthday.

  I probably sound like a spoilt brat.

  I didn’t want the world Mum, I just wanted some recognition for what today is.

  Is that too much to ask for?

  Apparently it is!!

  I don’t want to go and face everybody, especially after the outburst and me storming from the room.


  Love Always & Forever

  Your Daughter



  Chapter Eleven.


  “How do you know Willow?” Claire said, trying to sound flirty and sexy.

  I was sitting here in Slammer’s lounge room with three teenagers all looking at me. Claire kept checking me out, undressing me while running her eyes all over my body.

  Could she not tell that I wasn’t interested in her in the slightest?

  I was only here cause I had to be. I’d been given a job, I’d done that job without fail for the last year.

  Not once had I screwed it up, or spoken to her, until today.

  After spending five minutes in her company, I couldn’t get her out of my head.

  She smelt like vanilla with a hint of berries. It was intoxicating and very tempting. I wanted to taste her, just to see if she tasted as good as she smelt.

  Her eyes were the deepest blue, they reminded me of sapphires. I could get lost in the depths of her eyes and swim there forever.

  I’d always noticed her. She was gorgeous, she didn’t need this new makeover to make her beautiful, she was a natural beauty. She could light up a room with her smile. She was a dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty.

  Truth be told I liked how she wasn’t all made up, and out to impress everybody. I liked her innocent look. Don’t get me wrong, I liked how she looked now too.

  Claire was still rambling on, the more I ignored her the more pissed off she seemed to get. The girl seriously couldn’t take a hint. I wasn’t following anything that she was saying.

  “I’m talking to you. Hello?” Claire said. Was she ever going to give up? “Is your name really North? That is such a weird name, who calls their kid North?” Oh, for Christ sake would she shut up! This girls voice is like fingernails down a chalkboard, it grates on my nerves.

  “So, North are you Willows boyfriend? Don’t you think you’re a bit old for her?” One of the boys spoke up.

  Rolling my eyes, I stood up and made my way out of the lounge room.

  I couldn’t take any more of that chicks jabbering.

  Walking into the kitchen, I sat down at the breakfast counter.

  Today had gone to hell.

  I’d failed at my job.

  Slammer was upstairs arguing with his daughter.

  There was an annoying bratty twat in the lounge room, bitching and whining about nothing. Two gutless pussies standing by listening to her shit.

  “Well hello young man, what are you doing in my kitchen?” said a cheery voice from behind me.

  Turning around, I notice Molly, Slammer’s mother standing in the doorway, a cup of coffee in her hand.

  She wore black tights and a bright green t-shirt, with a dressing gown over the top and the funniest slippers, they were bright purple fluffy monster feet.

  She had dark reddish-brown hair, that was obviously dyed recently. She didn’t wear any make-up today like she usually did.

  “Hello, Molly. Don’t mean to interrupt. I had to get away from them teenagers out there, they were driving me insane.”

  Molly looked towards the front of the house, before walking further into the room.

  “Well North, since Slammer is upstairs talking to a shut door, I apparently have teenagers in my lounge room, and you’re sitting in my kitchen, want to explain to me what in blue blazes is going on here this morning?” She said as she was walking around, making another cup of coffee while she talked.

  Handing me a cup she sat down beside me.

  “Slammer apparently forgot Willow’s birthday. Her friends from somewhere turned up. I thought she was in danger, jumped in head first, didn’t think,” I told her.

  “So, my Granddaughters twisted you all up already, aye?” she said with laughter in her voice

  “What? No, it’s not like that. She’s Slammer’s daughter. I have a job to do,” I ramble.

  “Oh, don’t try to deny it to me son, it’s written all over your face,” Molly laughed, “it will slap you in the face before you know it.”

  Putting her cup into the sink she walked out of the room, heading down the hall, mumbling about young love and chuckling to herself.

  Leaving me with my own thoughts once again.

  How was I going to fix this mess?

  Willow was upset.

  Slammer was pissed off.

  There were three teenagers out there that had to leave before they caused more damage. Christ knows how we’d get them out of here.

  Willow’s birthday.

  “North, what were you bloody thinking?” Slammer asked storming into the kitchen, “You had one job to do, one bloody simple job! And you couldn’t even do that without stuffing it up”

  “I thought she was...”

  Raising his voice he cut me off, “I don’t want to hear it boy. I don’t need your damn excuses. When I tell you to do something, you do it, you do it the right way. No questions.” He roars.

  Slammers phone started ringing, interrupting us.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  Whatever was being said on the other end of the phone wasn’t good. Slamming his fist down on the bench, he hung up the phone.

  “There’s trouble at the clubhouse, I have to go. You are staying here. Do not leave Willow alone.”

  “Got it,” I say standing up.

  “North, get rid of those three kids out there. Lock up, no one leaves this house till I give you the say so. I’ll send Tank over here to help watch Willow.” />
  “I’m capable of watching Willow myself. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”

  He walked towards the door. He stopped, turning around he pointed a finger at me and said, “I’m warning you North, you touch my girl and I’ll gut ya.”

  With that, he left.

  Chapter Twelve.



  Gran’s voice came through the door “Willow, please open the door.”

  Unlocking the door and opening it, I looked at Gran standing in my doorway.

  “I’m sorry Willow. I’m so sorry I forgot your birthday. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” She pulls me towards her and hugs me tightly.

  “It’s ok,” I said.

  “No Willow, honey it’s not, no one should be forgotten on their birthday.” Tugging on my arm she said, “come on let’s go bake a cake,” wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “You go get your friends, and we’ll have coffee and cake”

  Walking down the stairs, I can hear Claire talking in the lounge room.

  “He’s biker trash, Sam,” Claire screeched loudly, I’d say the whole damn neighbourhood could hear her.

  “Claire give it a rest! You saw them, they are obviously into each other,” Sam replied, sounding sad.

  “Bullshit Sam, he’s way too old for her. He’s a man, he’d never go for someone like her, she’d never be what he needs her to be. Tommy, you agree with me, right?”

  There was silence before Claire spoke again, “Come on daddy forgot her birthday, she’s pretty much ignored us for a year and when we do hear from her, she doesn’t say much at all. We come down here to spend the day with her and she has a hissy fit and runs off crying, locking herself in her room. How immature is that?”

  “Claire, come on stop it.” Sam doesn’t sound happy at all.

  “No, she gets everything, this huge house, all this new shit, you just wait daddy will buy her a brand-new car because he forgot her birthday. She had you wrapped around her little finger Sam and what did she do? She just shits all over you, breaking your heart in the process.” Claire said.

  “Ignore them, Willow,” Gran said, walking down the rest of the stairs. She stops at the bottom, looking back up at me, “I’ll get North to get rid of them.”

  Great so North was still here. Could this day get any worse?

  “It’ll be ok honey.” She said before walking towards the kitchen.

  I couldn’t listen to any more of this shit. Standing up, I stormed into the lounge room. Walking straight over to Claire, I shoved her backwards.

  “Shut up Claire, just shut your mouth, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” I scream.

  “Why Willow? Can’t you handle the truth?” She shoves back.

  “Come on guys stop it,” Sam says trying to get in between us.

  “Shut up Sam,” we both screamed in unison.

  “You walked away from us and cut us out of your life. You broke Sam’s heart and for what Willow, so you can be some bikers bitch,” She spat at me giving me a push backwards.

  “I walked away. Really, Claire, my mum died what else was I supposed to do?” I say shoving her a bit harder than before. “Where else was I supposed to go? I didn’t have a choice in any of this.” Tears formed in my eyes and begin running down my cheeks.

  “I see you’re not even trying to deny being a biker’s whore,” Claire sneers.

  I wanted to wipe the smug look off her face, but I didn’t know what a biker was, let alone a biker’s whore.

  “How about not throwing away your only friends,” push, “How about not ignoring me. How about not breaking my brothers’ heart.” Push “Willow you’re a selfish SLUT!” Claire screamed at me giving me a final push.

  Slapping Claire across the face, I was shocked by my own actions. A big red hand print had already started to form on her cheek.

  I got right up in her face, “I’m selfish. Me? I haven’t ignored you. I talk to you every day Claire. I had to rearrange my whole life. What did you have to do? Oh, that’s right nothing, your mum didn’t die. You didn’t have to move away from everything you knew, everyone you love. You didn’t have to move in with a father who’s never home,” I screamed as she stood in silence holding her cheek. Her shock didn’t last long.

  When she slapped me back, I grabbed her hair and started pulling, slapping and scratching. She did the same to me. My face stung, and my eyes began to water.

  “Girls come on stop it,” Sam yelled at both of us attempting to pull us apart.

  “This is ridiculous. You’re throwing away a lifelong friendship,” Tommy said pulling Sam away from us.

  “Shut up!” we screamed as Gran and North came running into the room.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” North bellows walking towards us, wrapping his arms around my waist he pulled me away from Claire.

  Shocked, I froze in his arms. Tommy, Sam and Claire all stand across from us. Claire was holding the left side of her face.

  “We’re waiting,” Gran demanded, standing between us both.

  I was standing in front of North, with his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me to his body.

  “Nothing,” I snap, looking at Claire

  “Right,” he says looking down at me. He moves so we are face to face, running his finger down the left side of my face. He mumbles, “Slammer’s gonna kill me.”

  Looking across the room he said, “I think you three should leave now.”

  Claire didn't move. Tommy grabbed her arm, pulling her forward.

  “Come on Claire, let’s go,” he urged.

  “Sorry Willow. For what it’s worth, happy birthday,” Sam said, giving me a smile.

  “Thanks, Sam,” I managed to say as he walked out.

  “Happy birthday Willow, it was good seeing you again,” Tommy says as he walked past, pulling a stubborn Claire with him.

  “Thank-you Tommy it was good to see you too,” I said.

  “I’m sorry about all of this,” Tommy said to Gran as he walked by her.

  “It’s alright, you best be leaving now though young man,” Gran said.

  He walked out with Claire in tow, glaring over her shoulder at me.

  The front door slammed.

  Gran stood in the doorway to the lounge room, shaking her head.

  Walking into the room, she pulled me out of North’s hold and hugged me to her, hugging the life out of me.

  She pulled back a bit, looking at my face.

  “You’ll need to clean some of those cuts, but apart from that you should be ok.” Kissing my cheek, she said, “I’ll go make some coffee”

  “You ok?” North asked, surprising me.

  “I think so.” My cheek stinging, I could feel tears forming in my eyes again, but that was because I’d just lost my best friend and the last connection to my old life with my mum.

  Chapter Thirteen.


  Willow sat on the stool in front of me as I dabbed peroxide over the scrapes on her face. She didn’t flinch once.

  All total, she had five scratches that included a split lip, and slight bruising across her left cheek. Nothing too bad, just a few scratches where Claire’s rings had got her.

  I’d noticed before when Claire walked past, she had a few scratches and bruising as well

  “There you go love,” Molly said, as she handed Willow a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks,” Willow mumbled.

  Once I finished cleaning Willow's face up, she smiled shyly up at me.

  “Thank-you,” she said, before spinning the stool around to face Molly in the kitchen who was busy banging pots and containers of ingredients around.

  “Not a problem, Sweetheart” I whispered close to her ear, sending goose bumps up her arms.

  “Banana cake, and a chocolate mud cake,” Willow laughed, “Oh, you spoil me, Gran.”

  “Anything for you my cupcake,” Molly said, smiling at her granddaughter. “What about you North? Anyt
hing you’d like to add to the baking list?”

  “No, I’m good thanks, Molls.”

  Molly had been around the clubhouse for a long time. Her old man was the club president before handing the job down to his son, Slammer to spend more time with Molly. She knew all the brothers by name and treated us all like we were her own kids.

  A lot of us club brats she had basically raised. She didn’t take shit from anyone of us.

  The club girls knew better than to give her any bitchiness. She had been the Queen of the Hell’s Legacy old ladies for a long time. She was still Queen, and mother to us all.

  When Slammer needed her to be with Willow, she packed her bags and moved in with him. Leaving her house, and her old man Scar behind. Scar had grumbled about it a lot at the clubhouse where he currently resided, but he always called Willow his girl even though I didn’t think he had even met her yet.

  Molly hadn’t been around the clubhouse much since. She popped in here and there, always when Willow was in school, and always leaving before Willow would be due home.

  Scar was a scary motherfucker. He had a huge, jagged scar that ran down one side of his face and down his neck.

  That’s how he got his road name.

  “Well handsome you’re still going to help me create this one’s birthday cakes.” With a twinkle in her eyes, she added, “grab an apron, son.”

  “Don’t need one.” There was no way I wanted to be standing in an apron, being all domesticated.

  Taking my cut off and placing it on the back of Willow's stool, I walked around the counter. Molly threw an apron at me, “Put it on,” she demands.

  Grumbling, I put it on. Arguing with Molly was pointless.

  “Anything you say Molls, but I warn you I am no good in the kitchen,” I say making them both laugh.

  Willow sat smiling, watching the both of us as we moved around the kitchen. It was safe to say I was mostly covered in flour, as well as the benches and the floor.

  Placing the first cake in the oven, I heard the rumble of bikes coming down the street. I knew both machines well and could place who was coming by the rumbling sounds alone. One was Pyro and the other belonged to Scar, which was odd as I was expecting Tank to arrive.

  The front door opened and shut. Footsteps coming down the hall.