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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1)
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Hell's Legacy MC, Volume 1
J. S. Andersson
Published by J. S. Andersson, 2019.
Copyright and Disclaimer
Copyright © 2018 By J. S. Andersson
First Published 2019
ISBN: 978-0-6485007-1-1
All rights reserved.
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
No part of this book is to be reproduced, in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote a short expert in a review.
This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, incidents, event and places in this book, are products of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Except for the original text written by the author, all images, songs, song titles, and lyrics mentioned in this work are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.
Copyright and Disclaimer
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two.
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven.
Chapter Forty-Eight.
Chapter Fifty
Along Came Tank
Chapter One.
About Author
Sometimes life changes so fast you blink, and you don’t even see it coming. It turns your life upside down and you’re left not knowing where to turn.
I was in English class, my first subject of the day. Mrs Hinch was rambling on up the front of the classroom about our next assignment.
I was watching the rain fall steady and the clouds roll across the sky. Tommy was sitting in the seat next to me, Sam and Claire were sitting in front of us. Sam is Claire’s twin brother and my crush. Tommy is Claire’s boyfriend and Sam’s best friend. The four of us had been friends since we started school together.
The class was dragging on, Sebastian was causing a ruckus on the other side of the room yelling out to Emily and really getting on her case.
There was a knock and Mr Tims walked into the room and straight to Mrs Hinch. He lowered his voice and looked around the room, his eyes landing on me. Mrs Hinch turned to look at me too. Suddenly everyone in the class was quiet.
I turned to the rest of the class and realised that everyone’s eyes were on me, like I was in some kind of trouble.
Mr Tims asked me to get my things and follow him. I looked at Claire and gave her a small smile.
“I’ll text you.”
“You better I want deets girl,” Claire looked at Sam and Tommy as they asked for the details too, in hushed tones.
I followed Mr Tims down the hall, through the main office, and down another hallway to a large room.
Inside the room was a large desk with a computer, a large office chair, and two chairs on my side of the desk.
“Take a seat please Miss Moore, I’ll be right with you.”
I took a seat as Mr Tims left and I waited for him to return to the room.
I hadn’t done anything wrong.
So, why was I sitting in the principal’s office waiting for him to come back?
Why would he bring me here and leave me in here?
What was this about?
Mr Tims returned a few minutes later followed by two police officers. One officer extended his hand while the other stood back taking everything in.
“Willow, this is Senior Constable Jackson and Constable Phillips. They would like to have a word with you,” he gestured to each officer as he introduced them.
“Hi, Willow, I’m senior Constable Jackson. I’m sorry we had to pull you out of class today, but we need to talk to you about a serious matter.”
“Willow, your mother was involved in an accident this morning.”
“Your mum was involved in a car accident.”
“Is she ok?” I asked twisting my rings around my fingers and tapping my foot, “Where is she?”
“Let me give you the details, then I’ll answer any questions you might have. Your mum was driving to work this morning when a guy ran a red light and hit her car. She was pushed into oncoming traffic, and a truck hit the driver’s side of the car. She has been rushed to the hospital and is in surgery now. I’m sorry we can’t tell you more at the moment.”
I was numb.
Constable Jackson was still talking, but I couldn’t hear a word he was saying. It was like he was on repeat.
Accident. Mum. Hospital. Surgery.
“Willow,” Mr Tims said while placing his hand on my shoulder.
Shaking my head, I looked up at him with tears welling in my eyes. Mr Tims had a look of pity in his eyes.
“The officer asked you a question.”
“It’s quite alright,” Constable Jackson shot a look at Mr Tims, “I’m sure this is quite a shock for you. Willow, do you have anyone you can stay with? Someone we can call to pick you up?”
“No, it’s just Mum and me.”
“What about your father, grandparents, any aunts or uncles?” Is he serious? I just told him it was only Mum and me.
“God only knows where my father lives, I usually only see him twice a year. I’ve never met anyone on his side of the family. Mum and I have no one.”
“Ok Willow, we’re going to take you to the hospital ourselves.”
Driving to the hospital felt like it took forever. Everything was a blur. I didn’t see anything flying past. I didn’t know what roads we took. I wouldn’t be able to recall if there was any conversation. I don’t know how long it took, but it was taking too long.
Walking in the glass doors of the hospital. The disinfectant smell hits me as soon as we enter. Following Constable Phillips and Constable Jackson down a corridor, I hear one of them telling me to take a seat while they find a nurse.
They didn’t get far when a doctor comes out to meet them.
I’m watching the cops, and doctor,
when they turn and start walking towards me.
“Willow, I’m sorry but your Mum didn’t make it. The injuries she received to her brain caused an aneurysm to burst. We got the bleeding under control but in the end, there was nothing we could do. I’m sorry, Willow.”
My mum was gone. I was never going to see her smile or hear her laugh again.
I was all alone.
Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I couldn’t hold myself up anymore, crumpling to the floor in a big ugly crying mess.
“She’s gone?” I started screaming and pulling at my hair. A nurse sat with me, trying to comfort me.
Mum’s friend Sandra picked me up from the hospital. She and Claire didn’t leave my side.
Sandra made all the arrangements for the funeral, asking me for my opinion here and there. She let me cry on her shoulder.
Claire didn’t go to school, so we stayed in bed watching movies and eating ice cream.
I cried myself to sleep every night with Claire hugging me, nothing could take the pain away.
Two weeks later
Burying my Mum was one of the hardest things I’d ever done.
At the church, it was hard sitting there listening to so-called friends, and family, talking about my mum as if they knew her. People I’ve never met, people who say they will miss my mum. I’m finding the whole thing to be fake and hypocritical.
If they loved my mum so much, where were they when she needed them?
If they cared, why have I never met them before?
They’re standing up there calling themselves family. So-called aunts and uncles. Hell, I even met my grandmother. A grandmother I don’t know anything about. A grandmother I didn’t know existed.
I had neighbours that babysat me when Mum worked.
We did Christmas, Easter and birthdays with Mum’s best friend and work colleague, Sandra, every year since I was four.
None of these so-called family had been there for any of that.
I’m standing in a room full of people watching everyone interact, watching their movements, the sympathy when they looked my way.
My aunt and grandmother were arguing between themselves; oddly enough about where I should stay now that my mother is gone.
I didn’t notice him walk in, but suddenly he was there standing next to my aunt.
It was the first time I’d ever seen him wear a suit, it was black and fit perfectly as if it were tailored just for him. His hair was cut shorter than normal, tidier and kept. His shoes even matched his suit. It was his booming voice that I noticed and recognised first, as that of my father, his clothes weren’t from the man I know.
“If you think my daughter will be living with any of you, you have another thing coming” my father interrupted the two of them “you’re all bloody hypocrites!”
“You can’t just walk in here,” Grandmother Martha said.
Martha doesn’t look like most grandmothers I know. She had an air about her. She was nicely dressed, hair done, makeup perfectly done. She had high heels on. She was dressed in a black pencil skirt and a tailored black jacket, with a fancy white silk blouse, and a string of pearls around her neck. She radiated stuck-up and rich.
My Aunt Natasha wasn’t much better. They were dressed very similarly, almost matching. The only noticeable differences were Natasha didn’t wear pearls, and her heels were in fact stilettos.
My father cut my grandmothers rant short.
“I can, and I will, she is my daughter. This is my house. I will be here not you. You, Martha, don’t have a say. You didn’t have a say sixteen years ago, and you sure as shit don’t have a say now. When this is over you will leave. You will have no contact unless Willow chooses otherwise.”
Martha didn’t look happy, but it was Natasha that bit back.
“Willow might have a different opinion Aiden. Who are you to make the girl’s choices for her? We haven’t been a part of her life because Allison ultimately chose to keep us out of their lives.”
“Natasha let’s get two things straight. One: you, your mother, and your father didn’t approve of Alli and me. They also did not approve of her keeping our child. Alli chose to live her life with our daughter, and cut you and your parents out, so that Willow didn’t have to live with negativity clouding her life. Two: I take care of my own. Unlike your family I’ve been there, and it’s my last name she carries. She will be coming to stay with me, and there is nothing you can do about it. In saying that, I’m going to find my daughter now, and make sure she’s coping ok.”
I stormed up to them then. “No, it was neither of you, none of you were there. It was Mum and me, always Mum and me!” I spun around, and left the room as quickly as I could, wiping the tears from my face as I ran.
I had watched for emotions on Martha’s face all day, but my grandmother had the same unreadable blank look that she had worn since I met her three days ago. Cool, calm, and seemingly collected. She didn’t show emotions.
“I wouldn’t worry about them Willow,” I turned to see my father watching me. Of course, he had followed me after I ran from the room.
He pulled me close and hugged me to him.
“Why would you want me to come live with you?” I had only seen him twice a year, sometimes more but mostly always for my birthday and around Christmas. “Why now Aiden?” I said into his chest.
The silence stretched on, I didn’t think he was going to answer.
Then he spoke, “Willow, I loved you from the moment your mum told me about you. I sent money. I bought this house for you and your mother. She didn’t want the life I lived for you. Willow, there is a lot you don’t know, a lot I have to explain, but please don’t doubt that I want you to come and live with me.”
He kissed me on the top of the head, “I loved your mother Willow. She was a force to be reckoned with, and you, my girl, were the light of her life. She had no regrets. She lived her life to the fullest, and she was happy. Just remember that she loved you.”
With one final kiss to my forehead he turned and left the room.
One month later.
I had walked through every room numerous times now. Everything was packed, and furniture had been sent to goodwill. My stuff was packed, and in the truck.
The hardest part of the last few weeks had been packing Mum’s stuff. I kept a lot of her stuff. It was hard to part with anything of hers, almost as if I threw anything away, I was throwing away a part of her.
I took one last look in Mum’s room, trying to give myself one last chance to remember everything how it once was. Leaving her room took all of my strength, as if I was being torn apart when I left.
Sandra and Claire helped as much as they could, but I couldn’t cope with much and seeing her stuff brought back memories.
Seeing the house empty was surreal, it was like I was in a dream but couldn’t wake up. I still wasn’t used to waking up in the morning and not seeing her. I often wondered if I would ever get used to her not being here.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving! I’m gonna miss you.” I turned to see Claire leaning against the door frame. She was still wearing her pj’s. Her dark blonde hair was a mess, sticking up all over the place.
“We won’t lose contact, we’ll talk and text all the time.” Claire had been my best friend since we moved next door to her and her Mum when I was four.
We were the same age, we instantly clicked and so did our mothers. We were inseparable since that day.
“We better girl, my best friend is leaving me, how will I survive?” Claire wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.
She wrapped her arms around me as we walked down the hallway and out the front door. I couldn’t help but smile at Claire, and her outburst of drama.
I felt physically ill walking out of the house for the last time. I’d never walk back through that door again.
Tommy and Sam were standing next to the truck talking to Aiden. I walked up to them and wrap my arms around them. Claire joined in the hug by standing
behind me and wrapping her arms around me.
“I’m gonna miss you guys so much.”
“We’re gonna miss you too. This place won’t be the same without you.”
I eased back from the hug, still holding Sam’s hand. He smiles at me and let’s go of my hand. I turn around, hugging Claire, one last time and walk to the truck. Jumping in the truck and putting the window down, I sighed as Claire grabbed my hand and squeezed.
“Don’t forget about us, we love you Willow,” they all said goodbye.
“I love you! Bye guys.”
We started to pull away.
I watch in the side mirrors as my closest friends got smaller and smaller. I watched until I could no longer make them out in the distance anymore.
Chapter One.
Willow: I miss you already.
Claire: Miss you too chick.
Claire: How’s the trip?
Willow: Great. We just made it to Aiden’s. House is huge.
Claire: R U OK?
Willow: I will be.
Claire: It’s not the same without u here.
Willow: Wish I was there.
Willow: Talk to u tomorrow I’m gonna try to get some sleep. Luv u.
Claire: Loves u too. Night xoxo
Today was my first day at a new school. I shut off my alarm on my phone, rolled out of bed and showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed.
Standing in front of the mirror I looked at myself. Blue tartan skirt, white blouse and a blue tie, white socks and black school shoes. This uniform was at least better than the one at my old school.
Sighing I brushed my hair and put it up. I swiped the mascara wand over my eyelashes and put on a coat of lip gloss.
I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. I decided to skip breakfast on account of my nerves.
Aiden was waiting in the car to drop me off at school. As we drove my phone started going off. Picking it up I noticed I had texts from everyone. We arrived at the school.
“You sure you don’t want me to come to the office with you?” Aiden asked.
“I’m sure,” opening the door and getting out. “See ya later,” I said shutting the door behind me.