North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Read online

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  Claire: Good luck at ur new skool!

  Sam: good luck today!

  Tommy: knock em dead!

  Willow: Thanks.

  I was standing at the front gates of my new school wishing I didn’t have to go in. I wanted to be back at my old school, where I knew everyone and had friends.

  I wasn’t looking forward to being the new kid at school.

  Pocketing my phone, I walked into the school and headed straight to the office. I spoke to the lady behind the desk and got my timetable. Leaving the front office, I studied my timetable.







  I had variations of the same subjects every day. Wednesday was my best day, as I had two free periods and sport for the afternoon.

  I made my way to my first class and walked into the room. The teacher was standing at the front of the class writing on the blackboard, and she turned and looked my way

  “Hello dear,” she said.

  “Hi, I’m Willow Moore. I’m new.”

  “I’m Mrs Holmes, we have allocated seats in this class.” She picked up a piece of paper “There’s a vacant seat in row three, aisle four” she said, pointing at the seat.

  “Thanks” I said, walking to the seat she pointed out.

  The bell rang as I took out a blank notebook and a pen. The classroom filled up fast, everyone chatting as they walked through the door and took their seats.

  I kept my head down and copied the notes from the board. I didn’t make eye contact or talk with anyone.

  When the bell rang, I packed up my stuff.

  “Willow, can I see you before you leave please?” I made my way over to Mrs Holmes desk while everyone else left the room.

  “I have some work for you that you will need to do to catch up, and I understand you had some family issues before moving here. If you could come to the office at the end of the day, I’ll leave it there for you to pick up” she said.

  “Ok then thank you,” I said turning to leave, making my way out of the classroom, and to my next class.

  I did the same for every class. Every teacher made me stay back to tell me they’d leave work for me at the office to catch up.

  I spent lunch in the library, scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, and looking at books.

  I made conversation with a few people when they spoke to me, but I mainly kept to myself.

  When the bell rang at the end of the day, I packed up my stuff and made my way to the front office to collect the work I would need to complete to catch up.

  I walked into the front office and waited to talk to one of the ladies at the desk.

  “Hi, I need to pick up some work that the teachers left here for me.”

  “Name?” She asked

  “Willow Moore,” I said

  She walked over to a shelf and pulled out a huge stack of paper. Walking back, she handed it to me. I looked through it all, noticing that each teacher had placed a sticky note on the front.

  “Looks like you’ll be busy for a while,” she said.

  “Yeah, thanks,” I said shoving it all into my bag.

  I walked out of the office and left the school. Walking home, I put my headphones in and drowned out the world with music.

  Claire: How was school?

  Willow: School was alright. It’s like any other school. I have heaps to catch up on.

  Claire: Make any new friends?

  Willow: Not really, I mainly just stuck to myself.

  Claire: Not cool babe put yourself out there make some friends!

  Willow: Yeah, I will. What doing anyway?

  Claire: Getting ready for a date with Tommy. Wbu?

  Willow: English homework. Have a good date.

  Claire: I will. Good luck with the homework.

  Willow: Thanks, better get back to it I guess talk to u later

  Claire: Catchya later.


  Willow: Morning sugar.

  Claire: Morning cupcake.

  Willow: Hows things?

  Claire: Good. I spent the night with Tommy last night.

  Willow: You've done that before.

  Claire: Yes, but this time was different, u know?

  Willow: Seriously OMG!

  Willow: I’m calling you right now!

  Claire answered on the first ring

  “OMG,” we both said at the same time.

  “Details give me details,” I demanded.

  “Ok, ok,” Claire said laughing, “it was weird and awkward, and not very good.”

  “Well it was your first time,” I said.

  “I know everyone’s first time is bad n gah, but I was hoping it would be sweet and I dunno good,” she said laughing

  We were silent for a second before Claire said, “I hope it gets better”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “OMG yes, I dunno how you would describe it though, it was like a paper cut only a little more intense.”

  “An intense paper cut?” I said through laughter.

  “Shut up,” she said laughing, “you’ll know what I’m talking about one day”

  “Not any time soon,” I said.

  “Wanna know how big he is?” Claire asked.

  “I guess,” I Mumble.

  “Not big, but then he wasn’t small either.”


  Claire burst out laughing.

  “Whoops gotta go Tommy’s here, I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Ok cya.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” I said before hanging up the phone.


  Willow: Arghh. OMG

  Claire: Wats up?

  Willow: Aiden moved his mother in because I can’t be trusted to be alone.

  Claire: R u serious?

  Willow: Yes!

  Claire: That’s shit babe.

  Willow: Tell me about it.

  Claire: Y did he move her in?

  Willow: He thinks I’m depressed.

  Willow: He’s never home, so now because of that he thinks I need a babysitter.

  Willow: A motherly figure.

  Willow: To help me with homework n dinner and crap.

  Claire: OMG!

  Willow: I know!

  Claire: U had a mother u don’t need a replacement.

  Willow: I know. I’m so mad!

  Willow: I want to come home.

  Claire: Mum would let u stay I bet.

  Willow: Aiden wouldn’t go for it.

  Claire: Just run away then.

  Willow: I wish. I’m gonna go to bed love u xoxo.

  Claire: Ok night babes.


  Sam: Hey!

  Willow: Hey.

  Sam: Long time no chat.

  Willow: Yeh soz. How r u?

  Sam: Good u?

  Willow: I’m getting there.

  Sam: That’s good. I miss u.

  He missed me. What was that supposed to mean? I mean I missed them all too, but everything felt different now. I was half in love with Sam before everything with Mum happened. Now nothing was the same. I didn’t feel the same way as I did before.

  I missed them all as a whole.

  Willow: I miss u all too.

  Sam: Tommy spends all his time with Claire these days.

  Willow: Yeh I’ve heard.

  Sam: Gtg I’ll talk to u later.

  Willow: Ok cya.

  Chapter Two.



  Dear Mum





  I have an English assignment that I should be doing right now, but I'm sitting in the lounge room eating Nutella out of the jar with a spoon, watching Friends.

  Aiden had left just after I got home from school.

  Gran was gone when I got home, which wasn’t unusual - she had a life. Everybody did, e
xcept for me, it would seem. I got up, went to school, came home, watched tv or did homework, went to bed, repeat. Every day was the same.

  Weekends I stayed in bed until Gran came knocking, and yelling, “rise and shine”.

  School days I got up, ate breakfast, and walked to school. I had no friends at school, I went to every class and I stuck to myself. I never made an effort with anybody, and they had given up trying with me. I sat in the library most breaks, reading a book. Then I walked home from school.

  I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed everyone back home, but mostly I just missed my mum.

  It was a little after six when someone knocked on the door, I didn’t want to get up and answer it, but gran wasn’t here, so getting up I made my way to the front door.

  Opening the door, I was surprised when “Happy Birthday,” was shouted at me.

  “Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?” I asked shocked.

  “It’s your birthday Willow,” Sandra said pulling me in for a hug.

  “We brought cake,” came Tommy’s voice

  “And pizza,” said Sam.

  “Thanks” I replied.

  “We bought movies too, some new and some of the old faves,” said Claire, walking through the door.

  I led them all to the lounge room.

  “I can’t believe you’re all here,” I said.

  “We wouldn’t miss your birthday darling,” Sandra said handing me the movies, “Now pick which movie we’re watching first.”

  I looked through the pile of movies. Zootopia, Moana, Suicide Squad, Fantastic beasts, Clueless, True lies and Coyote Ugly. They really did pick some old and new ones.

  I picked up Suicide Squad and put it in the DVD player.

  “Ok dig in everyone, pizza’s getting cold” Sandra said, opening all the pizza boxes on the coffee table.

  Claire was sitting on one end of the lounge with Tommy. Sandra and Sam were sitting in the single recliners. Everyone moved, grabbing a slice of pizza. I grabbed a slice, moving to sit at the other end of the lounge. Pressing play, I settled in to watch the movie.

  “Oh, I’m so dressing up like Harley Quinn next Halloween,” Claire said, halfway through the movie.

  “It’d be hot,” Tommy said kissing her.

  “Eww, you guys,” Sam cringed.

  “It would suit you, Claire,” I said.

  “Ok, guys it’s cake time,” Sandra said getting up and walking into the kitchen.

  She reappeared five minutes later with the cake, some plates, and a knife. Placing the cake on the coffee table, she started to light the candle. It was a big sixteen candle.

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Willow, happy birthday to you. Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray,” they all sang.

  Smiling, I wished for some sort of happiness, as I blew the candle out.

  Sandra cut the cake, placing it on plates and handing it out.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  We watched the rest of the movie in relative silence.

  We watched Zootopia next.

  I got up to get a drink. Sam got up, following me into the kitchen.

  “So how ya been?” he asked.

  “Ok, I guess, you?”

  “Yeah good,” he said picking up my hand, “I’ve missed having you around though.”

  Sam and I had always been close. We grew up together. At one point, I thought we would end up together. Then everything with my mum happened, and now I felt awkward being alone with him.

  Sam was a handsome guy. He had shaggy blonde surfer hair, blue eyes. He was tall and had started to gain some muscle. He was on the football team at my old school. He was wearing black board shorts with rainbow splatters on one leg, and a white t-shirt with Everlast written across it in black.

  “I’ve missed you all too,” I said, “I can’t believe it’s been six months since I moved here.”

  Sam stepped closer to me, getting into my personal space and leaning his face towards me he closed his eyes. Pulling back, I stepped away.

  “Umm” I said.

  Sam’s eyes snapped open. “Ah, sorry,” Sam mumbled.

  “It’s ok.”

  “I thought you would.. umm.. want to,” Sam said sounding unsure.

  “I’m sorry Sam.”

  Sam picked up his drink, walking back out into the lounge room.

  Great, now I’ve gone and pissed him off.

  We watched Zootopia followed by True Lies. Claire and I painted our fingernails and did facemasks, while the boys sat back and laughed at us looking like aliens. Sandra went up to the spare room to go to bed.

  We pulled all the blankets out after that, camping out on the floor watching movies all night.


  “I’ll see you soon” Sandra hugged me.

  “Cya.” Tommy waved.

  Sam was already sitting in the front seat of the car. He gave a slight wave but kept his head turned, not looking directly at me.

  “I can’t believe we have to leave already,” Claire whined.

  “I know it feels like you just got here,” I said.

  “That’s it! I’m kidnapping you and your moving in with me” Claire said grabbing me by the hand and pulling me along.

  “I wish, but Aiden wouldn’t allow it,” I said.

  “I miss you though.”

  “I miss you too.”

  We hugged, and then she hopped in the car, winding the window down as Sandra drove out the driveway.

  “I love you, my Willow Tree,” Claire screamed out the window.

  I laughed and screamed back, “I love you too, my Claire Bear.”

  Chapter Three.


  After three long weeks on the road, I was looking forward to a night of booze and sex. I had to spend hours in the shed tomorrow, catching up on the work I’d missed over the last three weeks. I had two custom paint jobs to get done, and I wanted to service my bike, but before all of that I needed a shower. Then I was going to drink an abundance of alcohol and sink myself into a warm wet hole or two.

  The party was in full swing when I entered the yard, judging by the bikes and other vehicles around the yard, we had a full house tonight. Open nights tended to get very busy. Fights broke out all over the place, sex played out all over the main floors of the clubhouse.

  Brothers woke up all over the place the next morning, some managing to find their way back to their rooms, others waking on the pool table or the bar, some just sprawled out over the floor.

  Parking my bike, I followed Pyro up to the main doors. Pyro and I had grown up in the clubhouse. His father was Slammer, the President of the club, and my father was Acid, VP of the club. We’ve been friends and brothers all our lives. The club was in our blood.

  Two new prospects were manning the door and they nodded as we approached, opening the doors. The music was pumping, club girls were dancing. None of the girls were overly dressed, a lot wearing no more than a G-string, and body shots were happening along the bar.

  “North!” She threw her arms around me, “you’re back.”

  Rach was twenty-five and she had long red hair, massive fake tits, a tiny waist and long legs.

  Rach was one of the regular girls here, she stayed on the bottom floor with the other club girls when here. Club girls had the rooms on the bottom floor, the brothers had the rooms on the second floor, and the Prez and his other officers had the third-floor rooms. Every member had a room of their own in the clubhouse, and some had their own houses outside the clubhouse too.

  “Sure am,” I said.

  “You were gone for so long,” she purred running her hand down my chest. She was wearing a black and red corset with a tight leather scrap piece of material girls called a skirt, and she had bright red, plastic looking, fuck me boots on.

  “Not really,” I said.

  Rach and I had been hooking up since the day I got patched in, she had dreams of tying herself to a brother and getting h
erself an old lady’s title. She didn’t care where, or who, she got it from. None of the brothers here were going to give her that title.

  “Looking good Rach,” I said.

  “I always do,” she remarked, grabbing my hand to pull me up the stairs, “come on,” she said.

  Dropping to her knees in front of me she reached for my zipper, unzipping my pants and pulling them down. Smiling and licking her lips, “Mmm, I want you,” she said. Taking my fully erect cock into her mouth, sliding the entire length into her throat. She runs her tongue up massaging my shaft, she sucks on the head and pulls me from her mouth with an audible ‘POP’.

  Placing her hands on my chest she gives me a shove, making me sit on the bed. She pulled my pants from around my ankles. Her hands run up and down my thighs gently kneading, fingers centimetres from my balls.

  Hands on my knees, she pushes my legs further apart, shuffling between my legs, kissing her way up my thighs getting closer and closer to my balls. Kissing each one, she takes them into her mouth and sucks gently, using her tongue to massage and move them around. Her hand begins to stroke my cock.

  Removing my balls from her mouth she runs her tongue up and down my cock teasing it with some long, slow, licks. After sucking and tonguing it for a bit she puts her lips around the head of my cock and starts to suck me off. Massaging and fondling my balls with her hand, she slowly lowers her mouth, taking my entire cock deeper inside her mouth.

  Bobbing her head up and down, she manages to get her hands under my butt, and pushes me further into her mouth and down her throat. Taking the hint, I start bucking my hips in and out of her mouth and she fists my cock with her hand before swallowing me whole again, swirling her tongue wildly, sucking like a slut.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned.

  Fucking her mouth, I force myself deeper. She squeezes my butt harder, I keep fucking her mouth and throat, while she gags. She slurps, sucks, and licks at my balls while stroking me to cum.

  “Milk me dry.” She tightens her mouth around the head of my cock, squeezing my balls

  “Oh FUCK!” I yelled. Bobbing her head, she swallows it as I shoot spurt after spurt down her throat.

  She looks up as she sucks down the last drop, and licks the last of my cum.

  Bang, bang! Someone knocks on the door, “North you in there?” Pyro yells.


  “Slammer wants you in his office.”