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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 8
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It’s not that I actually wanted a second date with Dylan. I didn’t exactly like him that way. But it would have been nice to be asked. It would have been nice to know that he wanted to go out with me again.
I’m waiting for Jacob to arrive, and we are going to watch movies and eat junk food. We started a new tradition, Friday night is movie night. Cyndi is ditching us this week for a date. When she told us, Jacob told her it should be ‘Hoes before Bros’ we all cracked up at that.
Aiden asked if I wanted to do a father/daughter dinner date once a month. Gran reckons it would be good for us, but I just don’t want to. I don’t see the point in it to be honest.
School is blah, but going well. I dunno what I want to do after I finish year 12, but I guess I will figure it out.
Gran is good. I’ve been spending a bit more time with her and Scar.
I got a phone call from Sandra the other day. She rang to check up and see what’s been happening. She still calls every once in a while.
North has been here more often. He’s taken to holding my hand when he stops and talks to me. He sends me text messages every night saying ‘Good night Baby Girl’ and every morning he sends ‘morning sugar’. It puts a smile on my face every time.
Anyway, Jacob just arrived so I gotta go.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Chapter Twenty-Two.
“Willow, wake up,” someone yelled. I was jerked awake by Cyndi jumping on the bed.
“What time is it?” I asked, starting to sit up and rubbing my eyes.
“Seven,” she said, sounding way too chipper for this time of day.
She had a huge smile on her face. Her makeup was a little smudged and fading. Her hair was in an I-just-finger-combed-it and shoved it up style. She was fully dressed in, what looked like, the clothes she wore yesterday. Jeans, her black and pink Ripcurl shirt, and what looked like a dressing gown thrown over the top.
Is she joking? “What the hell are you doing in my room jumping on my bed at seven in the damn morning?” I grumbled.
“Does someone need a cup of coffee?” she asked, leaning over the bedside table and bringing a cup of heavenly smelling caramel latte. She sticks it right under my nose, managing to put froth up my nose.
“Give me that,” I said taking the cup from her. Using my other hand, I wiped the froth from my nose.
We sit in silence enjoying our caramel lattes. I put the cup on the bedside table, and curl back up in bed, pulling the covers up higher. Cyndi does the same thing, pulling the covers back, and jumping into my bed. She pulls the covers up, and lays down facing me.
“I lost it Low,” she whispered.
“Lost what?” I asked sleepily.
“My virginity!” She whisper yelled.
“When? How was it?” I asked, sounding shocked and surprised.
“Last night, and horrible.” She said, pulling the covers up some more, and covering her face. “It was boring, and he was small Low. Like not much bigger than my pinkie finger small, “she said. Wiggling her pinkie finger in my face.
“Thanks, Cyndi, now I’m gonna imagine Matt’s penis size every time I look at him,” I said, cringing as we both burst out laughing.
“Did it hurt?” I asked through my laughter.
“Not as much as I thought it would. It was like a little pinch feeling, and that was it. There wasn’t much in the way of blood either,” she said, sitting up to get her coffee cup.
“Ok give me all the details,” I said.
“It was bad. What more details do you want?” Cyndi asked.
“All of it. Now spill,” I said.
“Ok, ok, bossy much?” She said. She was silent for a bit, “We went on our date to see that band, when we got back, we went to his house to watch a movie. It was late, we were kissing on his bed; his hands were everywhere. He stripped all my clothes off, and then his. He played with me a little, and then he just stuck it in, and went to town thrusting like a maniac. He blew and then rolled off and went to the bathroom. Came back, jumped into bed, rolled over and went to sleep.”
“Wow, did you at least use a condom?” I asked.
“Yes, Mum we did,” she said sarcastically. “I laid there for a couple hours and then got up, used the bathroom and came over here. I sat in your kitchen with Scar for an hour before coming up here,” Cyndi said.
“I’m sorry your first time was so bad,” I said.
“Meh it’s ok, maybe the next time will be better.”
“I hope so for your sake,” I mumbled.
We spent most of the morning laid up in bed watching the Originals on Netflix. Gran came in around eleven, and said we were going to start baking in half an hour. So we got up, and Cyndi went home to shower, and get changed. She said she’d be back over to help us bake.
I went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I was wearing black leggings with Ugg boots, and a pink tank top.
We spent a couple of hours baking cakes, and biscuits, with Gran. By three pm we had a batch of chocolate chip cookies, triple chocolate brownies, a French vanilla cheesecake with a drizzle of caramel, and chocolate sauce over the top, and a chocolate mud cake.
Gran loves baking, so we always bake a lot on Sundays.
Most Sundays North, Pyro, Tank and Scar were here for dinner; sometimes there were others as well. Most of them came to get their share of baked goods.
Gran always put a roast in the oven after we finished baking. Tonight, it was roast lamb and veggies. We never knew who was going to show up for dinner these days. It used to just be Gran and I, and occasionally Aiden would show.
Since I found out about the club, the club brothers had started showing up more. I met new guys all the time.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Dear Mum,
Today I had a driving lesson with Aiden.
It was horrible.
I was so nervous.
He made me drive down the main street of town. He kept raising his voice and yelling at me.
“Willow get back in your lane.”
“Slow down.”
“What the hell are you doing?”
OMG every time he did it, I got more and more nervous.
Gran usually takes me and it’s not so bad, we just go out the road and to the old showground, she says she’s getting me comfortable with the car. She makes me park between trees and reverse into spots. We’ve covered the 3-point turns, parallel parking, reverse parking, emergency braking and general driving.
I felt comfortable in the car with Gran.
Aiden I was a nervous wreck with.
It probably didn’t help that I usually drive an auto when I’m with Gran, and Aiden made me drive his ute which is huge compared to Gran's car, and not to mention it’s a manual.
I bunny hopped and stalled it all over town.
I never want to drive that thing again.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Dear Mum,
Today I spent half the day staring out the window at North. He was in the yard working on one of Aiden’s bikes.
He was shirtless and he’s covered in tattoos, well not completely, but he has enough.
I was meant to be working on an assessment for English, but I kept getting distracted. If it’s not Cyndi, or Jacob, blowing up my phone, it’s North in the backyard shirtless.
Oh and to make matters worse he just texted me saying,
“I can feel your eyes on me baby girl.”
How embarrassing.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Dear Mum,
I overheard Aiden and Gran talking tonight, about me b
eing in danger. Gran was really worried.
Aiden has received photos, and threats, against me.
I don’t know what sort of danger I am in, or why I would even be in any danger.
I have no idea what sort of photos he has received, or what sort of threats have been made.
Aiden said that from now on there was gonna be a club member here at the house at all times.
I was going to be dropped off, and picked up from school, by one of the club members, and I was to have eyes on me at all times.
Scar is moving into the house tomorrow as an extra precaution.
Aiden doesn’t want me to know, he wants me to live as normal a life as possible.
I’m scared. What if something happens to me?
I wish you were here Mum.
I miss you,
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Dear Mum,
School Sucked.
Today I got called worthless biker trash, and a biker slut, by some of the stuck-up popular girls in school because North has dropped me off at school every day for the past month.
They’re always saying shit and whispering stuff under their breaths. For the most part, I just ignore it, but sometimes it gets to me.
Cyndi and Jacob have stuck by my side throughout it all. Even going as far as putting some people back in their places.
It only started when the guys started dropping me off, and picking me up. I know it’s for my own safety, but it sucks just the same. If it was only North dropping me off, it wouldn’t be so bad, but he can’t always do it.
I just want everything to go back to the way it was before. :(
I miss you Mum.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Daughter
Chapter Twenty-Four
Cyndi: Hey!
Willow: Hey, whats up?
Cyndi: Party! Tonight! Matt and Dylan said to come.
Willow: Where’s the party @?
Cyndi: Not sure. But it should b fun, Jacob’s coming too.
Willow: Yeh ok!
Cyndi: Awesome!
Willow: I’ll have to sneak out!
Cyndi: Over soon to get ready!
Willow: Ok c u.
“I can’t believe you talked me into wearing this,” I said, trying to pull my dress down over my butt.
We were standing behind Jacob’s and the twins house, next to Matt’s ute. Cyndi was standing in front of me looking around the lane-way.
We had snuck out the back door, and across the backyard, through Aiden’s shed to get into the lane-way where we were meeting Jacob, Dylan and Matt. I was so nervous the whole time, thinking we were going to get caught.
Cyndi and I were wearing matching halter neck dresses. Cyndi’s was black with pink and blue flowers. My dress was white with pink and blue flowers.
She started jumping up and down when she finally spotted Matt and Dylan, coming out of the house and walking towards us, with Jacob dragging his feet behind them.
“Relax Low, this is going to be so much fun!” She squealed excitedly, grabbing my hand and pulling me along after her.
I looked at Jacob who was shaking his head.
“Hey, come on guys, get in,” Dylan said, looking me up and down.
Climbing into the back of the ute. I sat in the middle between Cyndi and Jacob. We drove off, heading across town.
It was a mostly silent drive, while Cyndi sang along to the radio. Matt and Dylan joked between themselves, and Jacob asked me not to leave him alone, for the duration of the party.
The drive didn’t take very long, we were just on the outskirts of town, about fifteen minutes from home.
We arrived at a huge fence with barbed wire running across the top. Two burly looking guys stood, guarding a massive gate that slid open to allow us through. They wore jeans, and a leather cut, like the one I remembered North and the other guys wearing.
The building beyond the gates was a massive structure that looked like a motel, three stories high, and you could see lots of windows on the upper floors.
On the other side of the yard, there was a massive shed with four bays. There were some vehicles parked along the front of the gates we just came in through, and bikes were parked along the front of the shed, under cover. One of the roller doors was left open and an arrange of toolboxes, tools, bikes and cars could be seen.
Matt parked the ute with all the other vehicles. The music was pumping, as we climbed out, and made our way across the lot to the building. There were another two guys, dressed in black, with leather cuts covered in patches.
“Ten bucks each, man,” said the shorter of the two guys, slapping Matt on the back.
Dylan handed over a fifty to the taller one.
“Here’s your change. Ladies don’t pay, they take a shot, and chase it down with a beer” he said, handing us a plastic coloured shot glass and a beer bottle.
“Drink up ladies,” Matt and Dylan chuckled.
“Bottoms up,” Cyndi said, as we put our heads back and swallowed.
It burned the whole way down. The beer did absolutely nothing for me. It was gross, and smelt just as bad.
“Have a nice night.”
The guys opened the door and we all walked in.
Lights flashed, music blared, and there were people everywhere. Dancing, making out, and having sex on every available surface.
Dylan’s hand rested on my lower back as we walked around the room.
“Wait here, we’ll be right back,” Dylan said as he began to walk away.
We were sitting on one of the many lounges around the room. We had a front row seat to many explicit shows. It made me wonder what had gone down on the lounge we were currently sitting on.
“Ah, what have we walked into?” Jacob whisper yelled.
“I think this is what they call an Orrrggyyy,” I yelled back, giggling as we watched Matt and Dylan walk towards the bar.
There was a busty blonde, who was barely dressed behind the bar, serving drinks.
“Orgy, it’s like a sex party?” Cyndi laughed slurring her words.
“I think those shots went straight to your heads.” Jacob shook his head trying to hold his laughter in.
We were all laughing when Matt and Dylan returned with a tray full of shots, and a couple of beers. Dylan sat down beside me, and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. I noticed Matt doing the same to Cyndi.
Tonight, we planned on getting smashed. None of us had ever been totally drunk before. Matt and Dylan had promised to make sure we got home ok, and to look after us.
After a few shots, I decided to ask why everyone was naked. It went a lot better in my head.
“Why are most of the girls here naked and having sex in the open?” I asked Dylan.
“They're club sluts.” His hand moved up and down my side, grazing over my boob. Making me nervous.
“What?” Cyndi giggled, “is a club slut?” she all but screamed.
“Club sluts, they’re here for the club brothers. They’re basically walking cum dumpsters,” Dylan explained, although he was more interested in the show happening on the dance floor in front of us.
“Why? That’s not a very nice thing to say,” I scolded pushing his hand away.
“They want to be.” He had all but lost interest in the discussion, so Matt tried to explain further.
“They are here to accommodate to everyone’s needs from cleaning, washing, cooking, and any and every sexual act the men come up with.”
Dylan starts kissing my neck and moving his hand up my side. I try to knock his hand away, but he starts to get more aggressive, growling and biting my neck. He pinches my side hard enough that it was sure to bruise.
“What sort of club is this? Why would they put up with this?” Cyndi asked, raising her voice
, while Dylan watches the scene in front of us. His hands roam up towards my chest, over my stomach and down my back.
Jacob stood, watching a tall solid muscular guy dancing with a couple of chicks across the room on the dance floor. He was tall, a solid wall of muscle. He had on black tight fitted jeans, and a loose-fitting bright green muscle shirt. He had tattoos up both arms. His hair was black, and styled in a mohawk, with green tips.
Jacob was licking his lips. When he said, “hmm can I have some? ” I don’t think he realised he said it out loud, so I ignored the comment.
Dylan’s eyes didn’t leave the two girls that were in the middle of the room giving everybody a porn show. Grabbing my hand, and moving it to his jean covered crotch, he started rubbing himself up and down.
“Stop it,” I yell, “Get your hands off me!” Screaming I pushed Dylan off. Standing quickly, the room started spinning in circles.
“They want to become the next old lady,” Matt claimed.
Dylan pulls me back down, so I end up sitting on his lap. “I promise to look after you,” he whispered in my ear, licking my earlobe and upwards, “It will feel so good.”
“Old lady, what the hell is that? Why would they want to be old ladies?” Cyndi asked, as Matt stood, and then burst out laughing.
“It’s a motorcycle club, you prude cunt!” This came from a scantily dressed redhead.
She had walked up behind Cyndi and Matt without us even noticing she was there. She was wearing more makeup than she was clothing. Her clothes consisted of a black G-string, black nipple tassels and red thigh high, high heeled boots. She looked like a walking porn star.
“Excuse me,” Cyndi stood in front of her giggling, “what is your problem?”
“You are!” Red screamed at Cyndi while giving her a hard push.
“I haven’t even done anything,” Cyndi screamed back.
“Oh no, all you young sluts,” she shoved Cyndi, “waltz, in here thinking,” ‘shove’ “that you’re gonna become old ladies.”
Cyndi bumped into Jacob, breaking his concentration from the guy across the room.