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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 13
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Gran ended up in the hospital after her car exploded. Thank god she wasn’t in it and didn’t get badly hurt. Her and Scar are in the room next door to mine. We still bake every Sunday, we just make more now, a lot more, and we usually eat what we bake while watching movies.
I’m almost finished all of my exams. So, I’m almost done with school.
We’re having a graduation party here at the clubhouse.. Gran is planning it all.
I can’t wait.
I miss you and I love you
Love Forever and Always
Your Daughter
Dear Mum
Finally, after all the driving lessons I did it.
I got my P’s. I’m so happy I can drive myself now.
It’s weird though I can drive a car now, except I don’t actually have a car. But I’m so excited to be able to drive.
North was gonna let me drive his ute but it’s a manual and I can’t drive a manual, so that throws a spanner in that one.
Miss you
Love Forever and Always
Your Daughter
Dear Mum
Last night North and I hung out in my room watching movies and talking. There was a club party downstairs, like every weekend.
We ended up falling asleep together.
I woke up this morning with North. He was sound asleep, and I was laying on top of him. His arms were wrapped around me. He looked so peaceful.
It’s the first time I’ve woken up in the morning with him still in my bed, usually, I wake up alone.
I fall asleep every time we watch movies together. He’s fallen asleep a few times too, sometimes we’ve even fallen asleep together but he’s never in my bed in the morning.
I think I love him.
No, I know I love him.
I’ve never felt like this about anyone.
When he’s near and he gives me that lopsided cocky grin it gives me butterflies. When he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead or cheek it makes me weak at the knees.
I want to be with him.
He frustrates the absolute hell out of me. I just want him to kiss me, but no, he keeps me at arm’s length never letting anything go too far. For months now he has frustrated the hell out of me. Cyndi and Jacob think that I’m horny and I want to jump his bones.
I don’t know what to do. We hang out all the time. But he won’t kiss me. He only ever kisses me on the forehead. Or hugs me.
He wont kiss me or touch me but he won’t let anybody else either.
I’m almost eighteen years old and I have never been kissed. It’s almost happened a couple times, but something always happens and then it doesn’t happen.
North says he won’t do anything with me until I’m eighteen because of Aiden, Scar and Pyro.
I just want him to kiss me.
Miss you
Love Forever and Always
Your Daughter
Chapter Forty.
Willow is at a school party tonight, celebrating the end of exams. Pyro, Ice and I are sitting on our bikes down the road keeping an eye out.
We saw Willow, Cyndi and Jacob walk in half an hour ago followed by Pup. There were kids and cars everywhere. The music could be heard clear down the street.
A gunshot sounds over the music.
“What the hell!” Ice said as we started running down the road. Partygoers were running in all different directions. I couldn’t spot Pup, Willow or her friends anywhere. Grabbing hold of a guy running towards me I ask, “Where did the gunshot come from?”
Pointing towards the backyard he stutters,
“Th.. Tha.. That waaay.” Letting him go I run towards the back of the house.
Rushing out the back door, I stop short at the sight of Pup laying on the ground, blood all around him. Jacob leans over him, holding his shirt to the wound on his left side. Pyro rushes to Pup, inspecting the wound.
“What the fuck happened?” Ice bellows.
“Where the fuck is Willow?”
Cyndi’s in tears, makeup running down her face.
“She’s gone,” Jacob says standing to face us. He has a nasty gash on one side of his face.
“They took her,” Cyndi wails falling into Jacob’s chest and crying more.
“Who took her?” I ask Jacob since he seems to be the more level-headed one out of the two of them.
“We were out the back, we were talking and laughing. And then some guy walks up and hits on Willow, he was older than us, Willow said ‘No.’ She told him that she had a boyfriend, but he didn’t take no for an answer. He grabbed her and started dragging her. I tried to stop him, but he hit me, and the other guy pointed a gun at us. Pup got between us and the gun when they pulled the trigger. He went down and then they were gone. Before they left, they gave me this. Told me to give this to the boyfriend biker and her Daddy.” He hands me a folded bit of paper
I win
You lose
Shouldn’t have taken your eyes
off the prize
“Fuck,” I scream, pulling my phone out.
I brought up the app that tracked Willow's phone. She still had her phone on her, if the dot moving across my screen was any indication.
I point at Ice and then gesture between Cyndi, Jacob and Pup, “Stay with them, get them back to the clubhouse.”
“You’re not going alone,” Pyro stops me.
“I have to get her.”
“You will. We all will. She’s the club princess, the club will bring hell on anyone that touches her. One goes we all go,” Ice said.
“We need Doc to check out the bullet wound on Pup. We need a plan North, you cannot just ride in there all gung-ho and rescue her.”
“Want to fucking bet?”
Pulling out my phone calling Hacker I bark my orders as soon as he picks up, “I want Willow's phone traced, I want all the info you can get on the location she’s at. Everything. And I want it when I walk in the damn doors.”
The sirens blaring around the back was our key to get moving. Grabbing Pup, we carry him out one brother under each arm.
“Fuck that hurts like a bitch,” he complains.
Getting back to the bikes and Jacob’s car we stop throwing Pup into the back seat. I turn to Jacob, “You know how to ride?” I ask pointing towards Pup’s bike.
“Yeh.” He says looking at Pup
“Good, get on it, Cyndi follow in Jacob's car.” Nodding she gets in the car starting it up.
“Right let’s move.”
Walking into the clubhouse and straight into the meeting room for church, where all the brothers are sitting around the massive table waiting for us.
Dumping Pup in a chair, Doc comes running in with his medical bag. Cutting Pup’s shirt off he gets to work on cleaning up the wound.
“Her phone has been shut off or destroyed. It last pinged near an old run-down motel on the outskirts of town,” Hacker says. “I pulled up all the info on it. The motel was condemned about two years ago, it has sat empty ever since,” placing all the info he found on the building on the table.
“What else is in that area?”
“Not much in all honesty. A couple of farmhouses, the hotel backs onto a state forest. I sent a couple prospects out to scout the area and report back if there’s any activity at the hotel.”
“Then let’s move.”
“We don’t even know if she’s out there. We don’t know what we’re walking into. We don’t know if she’s been hurt or how many people are in there.”
“Jacob, can you tell us anything about the two guys who grabbed her? Anything, anything at all,” Slammer asks.
“I don’t know.”
“Come on you have to know something,” I bellow getting right in his
Grunting Pup stands. Holding his side he pulls me away from Jacob, “There were two guys. One was skinny, he shot the gun at me, he had dirty blonde hair, an unshaven face, he also had a tattoo of a snake that wrapped around his arm with the head of the snake on his hand. He wore black clothes, black pants, a black singlet and a pair of black boots. He had a cigarette in his mouth. The second guy was an average build more on the fatter side, he wore a black beanie, black pants and a black t-shirt with a picture of the band KISS on the front and a pair of joggers. He wore black nail polish and he had facial piercings.”
“Anything else?”
Clutching his side, he sits back down.
Slammer was sitting at the head of the table, looking around the room. Scar sat next to him cleaning a hunting knife with an evil gleam in his eyes. Ice was throwing his knife up in the air and catching it like the psycho he is. Pyro was flicking the flame of his lighter on and off.
“The one with the snake tattoo,” he slurred his words a lot. He was the one that gave Jacob that note. I saw them arrive but didn’t take much notice as they blended in like the rest of the teens,” he says screwing his face up as doc cleans out his wound.
“Why the hell didn’t you jump in sooner?” Slammer demands.
“I got there as quick as I could. He held his own pretty good,” he says nodding towards Jacob.
I was angry and worried. I couldn’t sit still and wait for news. All these months of waiting and she could be gone before we even had a chance to be something. Pacing the room wasn’t helping me or Willow.
Chapter Forty-One.
Waking up in a dark cold room.
I was tied with my arms behind my back, and my feet were tied together.
My head was throbbing.
I didn’t know how long I had been here for.
I remembered being at a party with Jacob and Cyndi. We had had a couple of drinks and were dancing and laughing when this guy came over and hit on me. I declined his offer telling him I had a boyfriend. He got really nasty and grabbed me when I tried pushing him off. He dragged me away kicking and screaming. I heard the gun go off stopping when I saw Pup stand in front of my friends, taking the bullet that was meant for Jacob. The guy grabbed me around the waist. He put his hand over my mouth to hush me, so I bit him. He punched me and it was lights out for me.
I could hear footsteps coming down the hall. The door opens, bringing light into the room.
“Well, well, well you’re finally awake,” a guy’s voice booms. “Boss man will be pleased.”
Looking around the room I notice an old steel bed frame sits in the middle of the floor just behind me, a wooden chair sits in the corner and there were holes in the walls with pipes and wires poking through.
I look around some more taking in anything and everything that may be useful, before looking towards the guy standing in the doorway.
He’s of average height, on the skinny side wearing clothes that were ratty and torn. He had greasy dirty blonde hair and a snake tattoo, that wrapped around his arm.
I look away from him towards the window, that was across from me. I could hear someone else coming this way.
Rach stands in the doorway.
She walks over to me, grabbing my face in her hand, she squeezes my jaw, her fingernails digging into my cheeks,
“You ruined my life bitch, today's the day you pay,” she screeches, spraying spit all over my face.
Turning, she walks out of the room slamming the door behind her.
Great, what the hell was she going to do to make me pay?
Awkwardly wriggling around so that I could have my hands in front of me, once I had my feet looped through my hands I sit up.
Pulling and twisting my hands I try to loosen the ropes, rubbing my wrist raw in the process. I shuffle backwards as fast as I can towards the bed frame.
Reaching it I feel around with my hands for something sharp. Finding a sharp edge, I drag my hands across it trying to cut the rope bindings on my wrists.
Someone was going to come for me. Right?
I had to get out of here. I didn’t want to wait and see what happened. I had to get out.
Rushing to get the binds cut I snag my arm on the sharp edge, hissing at the pain, but I don’t stop.
I had no idea how long I sat there cutting the ropes before I heard voices in the other room.
“I did my job, I led you right to her,” I recognise Rach’s voice.
“Yeah, you did. So, what now you can go. I don’t need ya no more.”
“You promised me I’d get my turn at her. You promised me I’d get my payback.”
“I’ve waited years for my revenge on that little cunt and no club slut is going to ruin it for me.”
“She ruined my life too.”
There was nothing but silence and then a door slams in the distance. The ropes binding my wrists finally give way.
Rushing to loosen the rope around my ankles, I just wrap the ropes around my wrist again before the door to the room opens and in walks Rach.
She stares at me with an evil smirk falling over her face.
“Always so innocent. What is it he sees in you?”
I don’t answer her, just stare at her and staring at a spot on the wall just beside her head.
“Cat got your tongue? Do you know why this is happening to you?”
She walks closer to me, bending down she gets right in my face,
“I loved him, he loved me, I was going to be his ol’ Lady, his queen and you stole him from me. You walked in with your sweet and innocent looks and stole him from right under me,” she spits.
Ignoring her I look away.
“Don’t ignore me, bitch,” she screams, grabbing my face and making me look at her. “What we had was love.”
“What you had wasn’t love, not for him.”
“What the fuck did you say?” she screams slapping me across the face.
“It wasn’t love, for him, it was just sex. You were just a roll in sheets. A place to park his dick once in a while. You were nothing.”
“Shut up. You don’t know anything. You know nothing about us.”
“No, you’re right I know nothing about you, just like you know nothing about me. You helped kidnap me, tied me up and locked me in this room. I will not shut up. He doesn’t love you. He never did!”
“That’s not true. He does love me,” she screams in my face.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
Pacing the room, she clenches and unclenches her fists, mumbling under her breath.
I needed a way out of here. I needed a weapon.
l look around the room for anything I can grab and use as a weapon.
Rach was still rambling and not paying attention to me.
“You know they’re not going to come for you. North, Pyro, Slammer and Scar, the club - they aren’t going to rescue you.”
“They will. They will always come for me, Rach.”
“They aren’t going to find you, silly.”
“They will. I know they will”
The door suddenly opens, and the creepy guy with the snake tattoo stands in the doorway.
Rach turns on her heel and storms out of the room.
Leering at me he walks across the room.
Stopping right in front of me he leans over, grabbing me by the arm pulling me up against him
“Come on doll, we’re moving” he says, licking my face.
“Mmmm so sweet” he murmurs with a smirk as he places duct tape across my mouth.
Bending, he shoves his shoulder into my stomach, slapping me on the arse. He carries me from the room.
Chapter Forty-Two.
After waiting around all night, we pull up to the old motel and shut down the bikes.
Pup pulls the van in behind us.
There was one car parked in the motel lot down from where we were parked.
It was a little red car that l
ooked awfully familiar.
“We split up, you lot go to that end, check every room. We’ll start at this end and do the same. I want her found,” Slammer says, giving us all our marching orders.
Pyro, Tank, Doc, Hacker, Shadow and I walk to the left end of the building while Slammer, Scar, Ice, Wreck-it, Pup and Wolf went to the right, two of us at each door.
Kicking the door in we enter the room.
There was stuff everywhere, graffiti covered the walls, bottles of alcohol lay scattered across the floor.
Searching the room, we come up empty.
Going to the next room we do the same thing, it was in much the same condition as the first.
About to leave the room Shadow stops me,
“North,” he says looking at an old mangled bed frame. There’s a bit of frame sticking out, wire going everywhere. Bits of rope attached to the end of a splintered bit of the frame. There are blood droplets laying on the floor.
“Slammer,” I holler.
Slammer and Scar come through the door followed by Pyro, Ice and Wolf.
“We got blood and rope fragments here,” I say pointing to where we found the blood.
Pup rushes into the room with Wreck-it on his tail. “We found something,” he says grinning like the cat that got the cream.
“Well spit it out boy,” Scar grumbles.
Handing Pyro a roll of duct tape, an unfinished vodka cruiser and a handbag, he smiles while shoving his hand into the bag and pulling out a wallet and a mobile phone.
Slammer takes the wallet out of his hands and opens it, throwing a few cards out, he pulls a license out.
“Fucking Rach,” he bellows flicking the license towards me. “Start going through that phone Hacker, I want anything and everything you get from it.”
Pup hands the phone to Hacker who runs out to the van.
“They can’t be too far, that blood there ain’t that old. It’s still wet,” he says rubbing his fingers together.
“We could have found her by now if we hadn’t fucking waited,” I bellow at them.
“We didn’t know what we were walking into,” Wolf defends.
“It wouldn’t have fucking mattered she’d be fucking safe and unhurt.”
“You’d risk everything on a half-brained plan.” Wolf sarcastically spits.