North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Read online

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  Opening another door on the right-hand side of the room, she says, “You have your own bathroom.”

  She nods her head, not moving. She nervously plays with the hem of my shirt.

  Making my way toward the door, I tell her, “Ok well, I guess I’ll leave you to get settled in then.”

  “North,” she looks up at me, “can you stay and lay down with me?”

  “You sure?”

  “Please, I don’t wanna be alone, can you umm just hold me?” she mumbles.

  Walking over to the bed, I lay down, patting the spot next to me. She walks over slowly, standing by the bed nervously. Grabbing her hand, I pull her towards me. Scooting over till I’m in the middle of the bed, she lays down next to me and I pull her close, hugging her to me. Resting her head on my chest, her arm thrown over my stomach, fingers playing with the belt loop at my waist.

  After a couple of minutes, her breathing evens out, and she begins to relax. It wasn’t long before she had fallen asleep.

  My phone beeps. Pulling it from my pocket I notice I had several text messages and one missed call from Pyro.

  Rach: Come play

  Rach: I wanna suck on ur lollipop

  Rach: I’ll be waiting Naked in my room just for u

  Rach: Don’t ignore me

  Rach: She’s not worth giving me up

  Pyro: Rach is on the warpath

  Pyro: Molly’s staying in the hospital. But she’s ok

  Slammer: There better be a good reason u weren't at CHURCH

  North: Couldn’t leave Willow.

  Slammer: She ok?

  North: yeh just didn't want to be alone

  Slammer: Ok

  Chapter Thirty-Two.


  Waking up in a strange room, in a strange place, in North’s arms, everything comes back to me. The shooting, coming to the clubhouse, North walking me upstairs to my room, asking North to stay with me, climbing into bed with North and laying my head on his chest before falling asleep in his arms.

  I could feel every breath he took under my cheek. His arm was wrapped around me, my leg was thrown over the tops of his thighs, his arm laid across my lower back holding me close to his side.

  Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with a solid bare chest that I happened to have my head laying on top of.

  He had a tribal tattoo that went over one side of his chest, across his shoulder and down his arm. Tracing my finger along the lines of his tattoo, I wanted to run my tongue along his tattoo, just like I was with my finger.

  Oh My God! I can’t believe I just thought that.

  I tried to edge sideways to not wake him, but his arm pulled me tighter, wrapping around me and pulling me closer, his hand grasped my thigh holding me in place as he whispered, “where do you think you’re going?”

  “I was just gonna mov... move.” I could feel my cheeks heating up.

  “What are you thinking about?”


  “Ahuh. Sure. Spill it Baby girl”

  “I’m wondering if I’m dreaming”

  “Do you dream about me often Baby girl?” he asked with a shit eating grin.

  “No. I. um.” Looking up at him I asked, “what are... what are you thinking about?”

  Running his fingers on the bare skin of my hip he murmurs, “you really don’t want to know Baby girl.”

  “Why not?”

  “Cause nothing can come of it. yet.” he whispers the last word so quietly I only just caught it.

  “Nothing can come of what North?”

  “Forget it Baby girl.”

  Pulling me closer and kissing my forehead he holds me for a bit before asking, “How are you after everything that happened?”

  “You mean the shooting?”


  “I’m ok I guess. It scares me, I mean we could have been hurt, you could have been hurt.” A tear slid down my cheek. Burying my face closer to North’s chest so he couldn’t see my tears, I inhale, taking in his scent.

  “I wouldn’t let anything happen to you Baby girl. Ever.”

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked while playing with my hair.

  Cuddling into him I wrap my arm around him, my hand laying just over his chest, and it all finally came out.

  “I miss my mum, I miss her every single day. Some days it hurts so much I wanna crawl in a ball and cry all day. Other days I smile and I’m happy, but then I remember that she’s gone. Sometimes I think I’ll never get past the pain of her being gone. It’s the small things like her laughter, her smiles, the smell of her perfume. I miss movie night and road trips. I even miss her yelling at me when I screwed up. She wasn’t just my mum she was my best friend, we did everything together.”

  North pulls me in tight against his side, murmuring into my hair, “I’m sorry you lost her.”

  Closing my eyes, I reply, “thanks.” I lay there listening to his heart, neither of us saying anything for ages.

  “I grew up in the club. My whole life has had something or another to do with the club. My Dad is the VP of the club, he’s second to Slammer. Mum is a lot like Molly, she did anything for the club, she embraced all of its members and treated them all like family. When Dad got sent away it was hardest on her, she couldn’t bear to be around the club and everything it represented, so she packed up one day and took off. She visits my old man every weekend without fail. We talk on the phone every Sunday night. She’s travelling around a bit at the moment with a friend.”

  “Where’s your Dad?”

  “He’s been in jail for the last two years.”

  “What is he in jail for?”

  “Club business Baby girl.”

  “Hmm, what’s your real name?”

  “What makes you think that North isn’t my real name?”

  “Is it?”

  Chuckling he answers “Jason, Jason North. North is my last name.”

  My fingers lazily trace the pattern of his tattoo over his chest. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t want to pry, so I just lay there in his arms until my eyes began to get really heavy, and I drifted off.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Willow was lying in my arms, her head rested on my shoulder, her breath fanned across my chest. Her leg was thrown over mine, lying across my junk. Her arm lay across my stomach, her hand resting over my heart.

  When I woke up earlier her fingers traced my tattoo and she was so totally entranced by what she was doing she didn’t even notice I had woken up. I lay there for a bit until she went rigid and tried to move. I grasped her tighter to me, my hand going to her thigh holding her in the exact same position she was in.

  It was the closest we had ever been, and it was both heaven and torture all rolled into one.

  Looking across Willow at the bedside table the clock read five thirty am. Gently pulling my arm out from under Willows' head I climb from the bed.

  I took one last glance at Willow sound asleep before opening and closing the door. I didn’t want to leave her to wake up on her own, but I didn’t want to deal with Slammer if he found me leaving her room at daybreak.

  Walking into my room I throw my cut over the back of the chair and make my way into the bathroom. Turning the water on I undress quickly and climb under the spray. The cold water hit me instantly cooling my scorched body. Throwing my head back I let the water cascade down my body.

  Thoughts of Willow tumbled through my head as I stand under the spray. A hand wraps around my junk startling the fuck out of me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I seethe, pushing her hand away.

  “Helping you out with your situation,” she said dropping her eyes to my now limp dick.

  Shaking my head, “I don’t want your fucking help, Rach. I want nothing from you. Get it through that thick skull of yours.”

  Grabbing the towel off the rack I wrap it around my waist, pushing her out of the bathroom.

  “You don’t mean that. Me and
you, we have something special.”

  “Special? You were a god damn root, that’s it.”

  “She’s not worth it,” Rach screeches stomping her foot.

  Laughing I looked her straight in the face, “That’s where you are dead wrong. She is worth more than anyone else. I would do anything for that girl. She is everything. You are nothing.”

  “She’s just a teenage cunt. She doesn’t even put out.” Her eyes once again move to my crotch.

  Opening the door, I push her out into the hall, “You were given a second chance by Molly after you were involved in that fight Rach and you were only given it because you stood up for the club, but that doesn’t give you the right to talk shit about her.”

  “Why the hell does that bitch get special treatment? She’s a nobody for god sake.”

  “Get lost, Rach!” I bellow, slamming the door in her face. Pulling a pair of jeans on, I found a shirt and pulled it over my head. Throwing my cut and boots on I walk out the door.


  Slammer sat at the kitchen table nursing cup of coffee. Nodding at him I got my own cup before joining him at the table.

  “What’d I miss?”

  “Molly’s car was blown up by the LPG crew, we got the video footage.”

  “How’s Molly?”

  “Freaking about Willow.”

  We sit in silence for a while before he asked, “You stayed with her all night?”

  “Yeh, I didn’t want to leave her alone. Nothing happened”

  “I know, or you wouldn’t be sitting here”

  “LPG crew, Tank and Ice are gonna look into it more. Find out what we're up against. Hacker is doing some digging. Scar’s out for blood, with everything that happened to Willow and then Molly.”

  “What we going to do about Wil?”

  “Nothing. She stays in the dark North. No one here besides the guys at the table knows who she is. I want it to stay that way.”

  Getting up he puts his cup in the dishwasher before walking to the door. Stopping he says, “Her safety comes first.” With that, he left.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I’d been at the clubhouse for about a week now.

  I’d barely left my room the whole time I’d been here. Slammer had come and spoken to me about Gran. She was getting out of the hospital today.

  North had come and watched movies with me every night. I always fell asleep with my head on his chest, tucked into his side. He never tried anything. Never made a move on me. Every morning when I woke, he was gone.

  I shower and make my way downstairs. Walking through the main floor, I make my way down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen.

  “Why does that teenage slut get to be upstairs? Club girls reside on the bottom floor that’s the rules,” came a girl’s voice.

  Followed by a man’s voice, “She is not a club girl.”

  “Then why the fuck is she here?”

  “Not your business, Rach.”

  The door opens and out walks the redhead from the club party I attended. She was wearing short shorts and a white singlet that had the club name written in red.

  “You don’t belong here,” she sneers. I had seen her around the club a fair bit, but I did everything I could to avoid her and stay out of her way.

  Ignoring her I just stood there. I didn’t want another round with this bitch.

  “He doesn’t like you, you’re kidding yourself if you think you can keep a guy like him happy,” she says while poking me in the chest so hard it was sure to leave a bruise.

  “Cat got your tongue bitch?”

  Pyro and Ice walk out the same door Red had. I now knew her name was Rach. Pyro looks between me and Rach.

  “What’s up doll?” Pyro asks me.

  “Um, I was looking for Aiden,” I say.

  “Who the fuck is Aiden?” Rach screeches.

  “No one!” Ice snaps at Rach.

  I looked at Pyro before mumbling, “I really just need a ride to school.”

  “Come on then doll,” Pyro says starting to walk back down the hall.

  Shoulder barging me she snaps “Watch yaself slut,” as she walks past.

  “Watch your back around that one,” Ice says moving his head in Rach’s direction.


  North and I were lying on my bed watching The Fast and the Furious. I was tucked into his side while he ran his fingers through my hair.

  “I hear you had another run-in with Rach,”

  “Yeh,” I mumble.

  “What’d she say to you?”


  “Baby Girl,” he said moving so he was lying on his side facing me, “What did she say to you?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Don’t make me ask you again Baby Girl”

  “Ok she said you don’t like me, and that I could never keep a guy like you satisfied.”

  “Is that all?”

  Looking back at the TV, I replied, “No, she told me to watch myself. It’s ok though she was right about everything.”

  “What Baby Girl? She wasn’t right about any of it.”

  “Oh, ok.”

  “You don’t believe me.”

  “You’ve been with her, she’s more your type.”

  North moved in a flash; one minute he was beside me, the next he was over the top of me, pinning me down on the bed holding my arms above my head.

  “Yes, I’ve been with her, but I don’t like her. Never did. She may have been my type but she’s not my type anymore. She’s not you Baby Girl. None of these girls are a match for you. None of them can hold a flame to your candle. None of them.”

  Nodding my head.

  “You may not believe me but I’ll prove it to you with time.”

  “Why have you never tried anything?”

  “Is that what’s eating at you? That I haven’t kissed you yet?”

  “Hmm mmm,” I murmur.

  “You’re not eighteen Baby Girl. Slammer and Scar would skin me alive and Pyro would set me alight.”

  “Pyro, what does he have to do with it?”

  “Fuck, forget I said that, Baby Girl.”

  “No, you brought it up, tell me, North. Please.”

  “Baby Girl that’s for them to tell you not me,” he said kissing my forehead and rolling off me, settling me back into his side.

  “You're it, Baby Girl, no other women and no other guys for you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  North: You have another guy in your room

  Willow: It’s Jacob

  North: It’s another guy baby girl

  Willow: LOL

  North: don’t laugh at me

  Willow: Jacob is gay

  North: What

  Willow: GAY!! As in you’re more his type than I am

  North: BABY GIRL!!!

  Willow: What! it's true.

  North: I’ll see you tonight.


  North had been out of town on a run with a lot of the other men for the last couple of days. He was due back tonight.

  The prospects and club girls were left behind as well as Ice, Hacker and Doc.

  Pacing my room, I was trying to figure out what Pyro had to do with me and North. I was going to ask Slammer later. I just couldn’t figure it out.

  I could hear the distinct rumble of the bikes getting closer. Looking out the window I could see the mass of lights coming down the road. I watched as they drew closer, coming through the gates.

  I watched as they all got off their bikes and headed towards the clubhouse doors.

  Walking out I sat down at the top of the stairs, watching as the guys entered and the girls rushed towards them throwing themselves all over the men. I looked at each one trying to find North. Pyro walked in followed by North.

  Rach went running across the room and straight into Norths chest. He caught her. I stood up and crept back to my room locking the door behind me. hopping in the s
hower. As the hot water fell over me the tears rolled down my cheeks.

  I knew I wasn’t the girl for North. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up, shouldn’t have believed all his sweet words.

  Shutting off the water I crawled into bed, hugging the pillow that North used when we watched movies. His scent still lingered on the pillow. Holding it close I let the tears fall.

  There was a lot of noise coming from downstairs, the guys were having a party.

  Someone knocked on my door, but I ignored it.

  I cried myself to sleep.

  Waking up early, I grabbed my phone, checking it for messages. I had three missed calls and six texts all from North

  North: Just got back having a couple of drinks and I’ll be up to watch a movie.

  North: Up in 2 mins unlock the door Baby Girl

  North: Baby Girl I’m waiting outside your door

  North: Open up Baby Girl

  North: I’ll see you in the morning.

  North: It wasn’t what it looked like I swear Baby Girl let me explain

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Over the last couple weeks, Willow and I had gotten closer. We spent our nights watching movies, talking. Every night she would fall asleep cuddled up to my side with her head on my chest.

  A few nights I’d fallen asleep with her having to wake early and make an escape which was always hard when she was plastered to my side or sleeping on top of me.

  If I wasn’t with her, we were texting.

  I’d been on a run for the last few days. I was missing her like crazy. I couldn’t wait to get back and cuddle up in her bed with a movie playing.

  It wouldn’t be long until I was doing just that. I planned on showering, having a couple of drinks and going up to her room with the new movie I bought with her in mind.

  Sending Willow, a text telling her ‘I’d just got back and id be up soon to watch movies’.

  Walking through the door and was almost knocked off my feet as a barely dressed female body threw themselves at me.

  “You’re home!” Rach squealed.

  “Yeah,” I said pushing her away from me.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve got our night planned,” she said excitedly.