North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 9
“I don’t want to be a.. a.. a.. an old lady,” Cyndi spat back through her laughter.
“That’s what you all say,” Red yelled, as she punched Cyndi in the face.
Blood flew from Cyndi’s mouth.
“It’s the truth,” Cyndi screamed as she grabbed a handful of Red’s hair. Blood was gushing from Cyndi’s nose. They were pulling, slapping and screaming at each other.
“Cat Fight!” Dylan yelled.
Jumping up I grabbed Red, pulling her to get her to let go of Cyndi. As she turns around she elbows me in the face before pushing Cyndi, who stumbles backwards, and knocks into a guy.
He spun around, and I instantly knew we were all in big shit.
“Get your hands off my bitches, you hoe!” Jacob yelled, putting his hands on his hips.
Holding my hand against my nose, I spotted the blood and instantly felt queasy.
“Scar,” I whisper, “I don’t feel so good.” His eyes find mine, as the dizziness takes over, and I throw up all over Red’s shoes.
She screamed.
“What the fuck is going on here?” He didn't even raise his voice and I flinched, “Actually, you know what? Don’t answer that.” He looked at our little group, shaking his head, and grumbling something under his breath that I didn't catch.
“Follow me, all of you.” Turning he walked through the crowd as it parted.
“See ya sluts, was nice knowing ya,” Red commented snidely, smirking at us. That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.
Chapter Twenty-five.
“Yeh,” I answered the phone just as I pulled into the lot.
“Get to Slammer’s office now!” Scar screamed down the phone. Scar was pissed, that much was obvious.
“What’s the problem?” I asked, but he had already hung up.
What the hell had happened? Scar was no help, barking his orders and hanging up.
Walking towards the main doors, that were being guarded by two of our prospects, Hog and Brick, they both greeted me with a head nod. Brick opened the doors and let me in.
The party was in full swing, music blaring, sluts dancing with each other, the guys and poles around the room, and there were the usual sex shows and strip teases going on. They were always put on at our parties.
I walked through the crowded room heading towards Slammer’s office, nodding at a few of the guys and girls along the way.
“Heya North, wanna come play?” she purrs seductively as she wraps herself around my back.
Putting her on her feet I turned to face her. I had no idea who she was. She was a skinny young girl, fairly short, large tits, barely dressed, and blonde.
I’d played with her a few times at these parties, but I could never remember her name. I knew she was a club girl from the Canberra charter, who were all here tonight for a party.
“Not right now doll.” I say trying to remove myself from her hold, as she kept trying to wrap herself around me.
“Ok, come find me later,” she whispers in my ear before sucking on my earlobe.
Not bothering to reply, I turn and walk away.
Outside Slammer’s office, I find Tank and Shadow standing in front of the door, blocking it like bodyguards.
“What the fuck's going on?” I ask.
“Wish we knew man,” Tank says, shrugging his shoulder and nodding his head behind me.
Rach throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around me, crying and blabbering about something or someone.
“What the fuck Rach?” I demand as I pull her arms from around me.
“I didn’t start it.” She hiccuped, “it was all her fault, I shouldn’t be punished.” She continues hiccuping between words, “please, North you gotta believe me, please.” She hiccuped again before she started sobbing.
She looked a right mess; her makeup was all smudged, and running down her face. She had what I could only describe as scratch marks across one check, her hair was all messed up like someone had pulled at it, and she had the distinct odour of vomit hanging off her.
“What wasn’t your fault?” I asked while patting her back, trying to keep her at arm’s length.
“The fight!” She wails, “I was sticking up for the club.” She continues crying, “I swear”.
Ok, I wasn’t going to get any answers this way.
Scar came flying around the corner, looking more pissed off then I’d ever seen him.
“You!” he bellowed pointing at Rach, “punched my girl in the face”.
Wait, what this was all over his girl? What girl? Molly was at home! He didn’t do club sluts, he couldn’t even tolerate them for a conversation. He didn’t really have anything to do with any girl, he usually just grunted at them. Yet here he was frothing at the mouth over one.
“I didn’t. I swear she was dissing the club.” Again, she hiccuped “she was just some underage slut! They were discussing the club. I swear,” she sobbed, holding her hands to her face.
Now I was really confused.
What the hell had happened?
I wanted answers, but Scar was furious and wasn’t going to be of any help.
Rach was an absolute blubbering mess.
All I knew was a fight had happened between Rach, and a girl who Scar claimed was his girl. His girl. The only girl he remotely cared about was Willow.
It couldn’t be, could it? Could it? I had to find out.
“Scar, who was the girl?” I demanded, hoping my hunch wasn’t correct.
“Who the bloody hell do you think the girl is?” He got right in my face spitting the words at me.
“FUCK!” I screamed pushing him back.
I knew what I would find in Slammer’s office, and it would make me want to tear Rach apart.
I knew why Scar was fuming mad, and ready to kill a bitch. His granddaughter was on the other side of that door.
Looking at the office door, I wanted in that room. I want Willow in my arms, and I want it now.
Tank and Shadow must have read the intent on my face because they back up against the door, the message loud and clear. No one was getting through that door.
Grabbing Rach by the arm, I pushed her against the wall. “What the fuck did you do?” I all but spat in her face.
“I didn’t, it was all them, they don’t belong in this club,” she blubbered.
I didn’t get the chance to reply, as Molly and Slammer came running around the corner.
Molly’s eyes looked from Rach, the tears running down her face, to Scar pacing in anger with mumbled curses falling from his lips, finally stopping at my angry face.
“You were in the fight?” She asked Rach, in a much calmer voice then I would have mustered.
“Yes,” Rach all but whispered in reply.
“Right, you can wait in that room,” she pointed down the hall, “Shadow will stand outside. You will not leave, nor will anyone else enter, until this is dealt with. Understood?”
“Yes.” She looked Molly in the eyes before turning to look at me, eyes pleading. Shaking her head, she turned, walking down the hallway with Shadow following her.
Molly waited until Shadow had shut the door, and stood in front of it, before turning to all of us. She was pissed, that much was obvious.
Slammer hadn’t said a word since he got here.
“Is she ok?” He finally asked.
“I don’t know. There’s blood,” Scar grumbled back. “That’s not all, I think she may have been slipped something.”
“What?” Slammer roared “Why the fuck do you think that?”
“She passed out.”
“Fuck, alright Molly, how much do her friends know about all this?” Slammer asked while moving his hands around in the air.
“I don’t think they do,” she said, walking towards Scar.
“Ok, I want answers,” with that he walked to the door, gesturing for Tank to step aside.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
I look
ed up, finding Cyndi and Jacob, both sitting on the floor beside me as I lay on a lounge in a strange room.
“What happened?” I asked croakily. Everything hurt.
There was no one else inside the room. The room was white, and on one wall was a massive mural of a bike, painted black and green. It had a huge, scary, sinister skull above the bike, with two massive forks of lightning hitting the bike on either side of the skull. It was a bigger, more realistic version, but it was the same as the picture on Scar, North, Pyro, Savage and Tank’s cuts. Which means, “oh shit”, this would be Aiden’s clubhouse. I’d unintentionally walked into a party of Aiden’s, which meant North would be here somewhere.
There was a huge, dark wooden desk in the centre of the room. Filing cabinets and shelves lined one wall, and a black leather lounge was on the other side of the room, with the mural.
“You passed out,” Jacob said, handing me a bottle of water.
Sitting up, my head felt heavy. Swallowing a couple mouthfuls of water, I put the lid back on.
“Thanks, where are we?” I asked.
“In an office. That scary guy with the scar brought us here and then left,” Cyndi said. “You know him?” All her earlier giggles were gone. “Don’t you?”
“Yeah,” I said.
I’d never told anyone about my family being part of an MC. I didn’t know many details anyway. Aiden had only ever given me bits and pieces. I knew he was the President and that Scar was the former President. I knew North and the other guys I met were a part of the same club.
“How do you know him?” They both asked.
How do I answer that, without telling them everything?
“We’re up shit creek, aren’t we?” Jacob asked, saving me from answering.
“Up shit creek without a paddle,” Cyndi snapped.
“Is it just me or is he the scariest man ever?” Cyndi asked, after some time had passed.
“Something like that,” I mumbled back, answering them both.
The room was still spinning, so I moving to the floor, and sat with my head between my legs, trying to control the dizziness.
“What’s gonna happen to us, Willow?” Cyndi asked sounding terrified.
“I don’t know guys.”
Standing up, I walked across the room towards the desk. On it was two photo frames, one of me and my Mum when I was a baby. I know this because it’s the same one beside Aiden’s bed. The other is of me, as a little girl sitting on a bike, with a little boy.
“We wait till he comes back. It can’t be that bad?” I hoped.
Raised voices, and loud hiccuping sobs, drifted through the door. One of the raised voices I recognised as belonging to Scar. I couldn't quite make out who the other voices belonged to.
“FUCK!” was bellowed out. My eyes found the door at that voice. That was North on the other side of the door and he didn’t sound happy, he sounded pissed. I didn’t want to face him while he was mad. Although knowing he was close by instantly made me feel safer.
“Willow, Jacob, I’m sorry I got us into this mess,” Cyndi sobbed, “if we die just know that I’m so sorry.” Tears running down her face, making trails in her make-up and the blood. Making me feel nauseous again.
“It’s not your fault Cyndi.” Jacob said consoling her, running his hand up and down her back.
“Guys there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What?” they said, looking up at me now.
“Do you remember when I told you about that guy North?” I had told them a minor version of how I met North, what had happened that day and how I was crushing on him hardcore, but I had left out the MC, and Aiden, part of the story.
“Yeh,” they both answered.
“Well, there’s more to it then what I originally told you.” I said, wringing my hands. I start to pace in front of them, not being able to stand still, “You see North is part of this MC club. I met him because Aiden is the President of the Hell’s Legacy MC club.”
Stopping, I look at them and both of their mouths were hanging open. “I only figured it out because, well that mural is on the back of the cuts I’ve seen, North’s cut,” pointing to the mural behind them. “I didn’t know before we walked into this party that this was their clubhouse, or that we were going to a club party. Please don’t ask me about the club because I really don’t know anything. The scary guy that bought us in here, well, he’s my grandfather, Scar. He's the former president, and my father Aiden is president of this club.” Taking a big breath, I wait for them to react. I felt sick, the room was starting to spin again, and it was beginning to feel very warm in here.
“That scary man is your grandfather?” Jacob all but choked.
“You’re a princess. An MC Princess,” squealed Cyndi.
“Yes, he is, and I wouldn’t say that exactly.” I started pacing again, it helped stop me from wanting to fall asleep.
“Why didn’t you ever tell us? We would have kept it a secret, Low,” came Jacobs hushed voice.
“I don’t know, I was never a part of it. Some of the guys come around at different times to do business with Aiden, but I’ve never been a part of it. I just didn’t tell you, and I’m sorry.” Standing, Jacob and Cyndi walk over to me throwing their arms around me, and hugging me.
Half asleep, we were sitting on the lounge when the door opened and in walked Aiden, North, Scar and Gran. None of them looked happy.
Scar was so pissed, he immediately started pacing.
North took one look at my face and cursed, throwing a punch, he hit the door frame.
Gran scolded him and shutting the door, she looked less upset than all of them.
Aiden stands watching us, and, he doesn’t look as angry as the other two men in the room, but he doesn’t look happy either.
“Willow, why are you here?” He finally asked.
Before I even got the chance to answer, Cyndi piped up, “It’s my fault sir.”
“No Cyndi, it’s not your fault. We got invited, and we all wanted to come. We didn’t realise it was a club party. We were told it was a party, so we came,” I blabbered. I wasn’t letting Cyndi take the blame.
“I snuck out when I shouldn’t have.”
Aiden starts pacing. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Shots, a fair few shots and a beer at the door,” I say honestly, “I think.”
“I’m going to assume you didn’t go to the bar, and get served?” He asked.
“No,” I said, looking at my feet.
“Who brought you to my clubhouse Willow? Who supplied three underage kids alcohol?” He was beginning to sound less under control. I didn’t want to answer, I didn’t want to get Matt and Dylan in trouble. I wasn’t going to answer. I figured he could yell at me all he wants.
“My brothers, Matt and Dylan, Aiden, Sir,” Jacob admitted.
Scar walks to the door, and opens it. Speaking to someone on the other side, he shut the door again.
“Do you know how fucked this is, Willow?” he asked.
“Dad, I’m sorry.” Aiden stopped pacing, the shock was written all over his face. Whoops, first time I call him Dad, and it’s when I’m in trouble and drunk.
“I don’t want to hear it, Willow.” Aiden was growing more pissed by the second. “What if something more serious had happened? What if no one realised you were here?” he asked.
Aiden walked to his desk sitting down behind it. Leaning back on the lounge we waited. We didn’t know what was going to happen next. I knew Matt and Dylan were in trouble, but I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to them.
North stood leaning up against the wall watching me. He was wearing his usual jeans and white tee with his cut over the top. He was his usual self except for his body language and the angry scowl on his face.
Scar was still pacing the room swearing under his breath. He was dressed pretty much the same as North.
Gran sat on one side of the desk completely out of it, reading a book she must have pulled from t
he oversized handbag she carried everywhere. She wore a jacket with “Property of Scar’ on the back.
Aiden sat at his desk watching everybody in the room. This was the first time I had ever seen Aiden wearing his cut. This was also the first time I could actually picture Aiden in the MC setting.
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Aiden said, looking up at the door while he spoke, waiting for the door to open.
Tank walked in with Matt and Dylan following behind him.
“Slammer, Matt and Dylan for you,” giving me a brief smile he nodded leaving the room.
Matt and Dylan looked terrified.
“You bought minors to my club,” he said. Aiden hadn’t even looked at them yet. “You supplied said minors with alcohol, in my club,” he said. He finally looked up at them. “You let minors get involved in a fight in my club while you stood by and watched it,” he said. He was standing now.
Scar had stopped pacing and was standing on the other side of us near Aiden’s desk. He was standing with his feet apart, and arms folded, glaring at Matt and Dylan.
North moved from the wall, now standing just in front of me. He was standing in the same way as Scar, arms crossed, feet slightly apart. I couldn’t see his face, but I imagined he was glaring just as bad as Scar.
Matt and Dylan looked towards us, “We didn’t,” Matt began before North cut him off.
“Save it!” North bellowed making us all jump.
“We know you know who they are, and their ages,” Scar bellowed.
I wanted to shut my eyes and go to sleep. I still felt dizzy, their yelling was making my headache worse.
“I understand you are both prospects in my club,” he said. Aiden looked from Matt to Dylan.
“Yes,” they both said.
“Right, North you're going to take my daughter, and her friends home,” he said. Aiden looked towards us before looking back to Matt and Dylan.
“Daughter,” they spit.
“Yes, daughter,” He spat at them, “you will no longer be a part of my club, you will leave and not come back, and you will not come near my daughter again. I know you live next door, but you will stay away.” He said.
Aiden makes his way over to us, using his hands to signal us to rise. Gran stands and walks over, pulling me close, hugging me tightly.