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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 7

  Love Forever and Always,

  Your Daughter



  Chapter Eighteen.


  Sitting in my room drinking tequila and orange juice, we were meant to be at school, but we had decided to ditch today and raid Aidan's bar downstairs.

  Cyndi was sitting on the floor next to the bed painting her toenails bright red.

  “Oh My God, I have hobbit feet,” She yelled.

  “You have what?” I asked, laughing.

  “Hobbit feet. I have Hobbit Feet. Look at my hairy ass hobbit feet,” she said, shoving her feet in my face.

  “Eww, get your stinky feet out of my face, Biatch,” I screamed, shoving her feet away.

  “Do I even want to know?” Jacob asked walking into the room.

  We both cracked up laughing.

  “I’ve got goddamn Hobbit feet,” Cyndi yelled through bouts of laughter, “look at my hairy ass toes. Jacob look, they have long hairs on them. Why haven’t any of you told me I have hairy toes?”

  Standing up she walked into the bathroom.

  “How much have you had to drink?” Jacob asked.

  “Only one,” I said.

  “I can’t believe you started without me,” Jacob said pouring himself a shot of tequila, he threw it back.

  “Catch up Jakey poo,” Cyndi chanted from the bathroom.

  Cyndi walked out of the bathroom and sat back down on the floor. She lifted her foot and said, “OW!”

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Plucking my toe hairs,” she replied, “I don’t want no stinking Hobbit feet.”

  Jacob shook his head and got up to pour himself another drink. Waving the bottle at us, we both screamed yes to another drink, so he topped up our cups with tequila and orange juice.

  I Put on some tunes.

  “It hurts,” Cyndi complained.

  “Then stop plucking your toe hairs,” Jacob advised.

  “No, I don’t want hairy toes,” Cyndi shot back.

  “You know they’ll grow back hairier,” Jacob teased.

  “What? Will they really?”

  I couldn't help but laugh at their stupid bickering as I painted my toenails bright pink.

  “Oh, I love this song. Turn it up!” I yelled.

  I started singing, ‘Body like A back road’ by Sam Hunt, at the top of my lungs.

  Cyndi jumped up and started singing and dancing with me.

  Jacob sat on the bed laughing.

  “You sound like a bunch of dying cats,” he laughed.

  “Shut up!” I yelled, throwing a pillow at him.


  “Your brother is so hot!” Cyndi exclaimed, fanning her face with her hand.

  “Eww. No, he’s not. He’s such an asshole,” Jacob said.

  “You agree with me Willow, the twins are hot as in, H.O.T, hot?” Cyndi asked, dancing around.

  “Mmm,” I murmured, shrugging my shoulders.

  I didn’t really care either way. Yeah, they were both good-looking, but they didn’t compare to North.

  We were downstairs playing a game of pool. I was playing against Jacob, while Cyndi was staring out the window watching the twins work on their four-wheel drive.

  “Get away from the window, and stop checking out my brothers, you perv,” Jacob snapped.

  Cyndi laughed at him, turning around to face him. “No, Matt just took his shirt off. Or is that Dylan? Hmm, who cares they are both yummy,” She said, licking her lips and turning back to look out the window.

  “Cyndi!” I called out.

  She turns around and looks at me, using my finger I wiped around my mouth.

  “Shut up you bitch,” she whisper yelled.

  Jacob and I burst out laughing.

  “So, girls I have something I need to tell you,”

  “Ok spill,” I said, getting up to fix another round of drinks.

  “Ok. Well, I’ve been wanting to tell you both for some time now, but I can never find the words.”

  “You’re Gay!” Cyndi interrupted.

  “Cyndi.” I scowled.

  “How did you... ?” Jacob began to ask.

  “It’s obvious dude, you check out guys just as much as we do,” Cyndi explained.

  “I do not,” Jacob said looking at me.

  “You kinda do.”

  A very awkward silence spreads through the room as we sat there, Cyndi absentmindedly looking out the window checking out the twins. Jacob's playing with the condensation on his glass as I’m rolling one of the pool balls back and forth on the pool table.

  “Why didn’t you guys ever say anything?” Jacob asked, breaking the silence

  “Cos, we love you and it doesn’t matter to us if you’re gay, straight or a transvestite we love you just the way you are.” Cyndi said, throwing an ice cube at him.

  “Thank you. I haven’t told anyone else.”

  “Your secret's safe with us,” we both said, pulling him in for a group hug.

  Chapter Nineteen.



  Dear Mum

  I’m going on my first ever date tonight, with Dylan. It’s a double date with Cyndi and Matt, but still my first ever date.

  I’m excited, and a tad nervous too.

  We are going out to dinner and then to the movies.

  I have no idea what to wear. I wish you were here to help me with this. Cyndi is coming over after lunch, so we can get ready together.

  I know you're probably thinking “but you like North”, and I do. But he’s not asking me out, and I doubt he will ask me out. He doesn’t even talk to me, and I kinda like Dylan too. He’s sweet and kind, he talks to me, texts me all the time. He shows an interest in me, and I like that.

  I’m still angry and sad, that hasn’t changed.

  They said with time it would get easier, but it’s not. I still want to tell you everything. I still want to hear your voice. I want to hug you. I want you here for all the small things, and the big things. I want your advice.

  It makes me angry that you’re not here. I miss you more and more, each and every day.

  Love Always and Forever,

  Your Daughter




  Cyndi and I spent the afternoon swimming and lazing around by the pool. It was one of our favourite hangout spots. All that was missing was Jacob, but he was slightly mad that we had a double date with the twins.

  “You know he hasn’t taken his eyes off you?” Cyndi said, leaning over the side of the pool.

  Cyndi was wearing a bright green bikini top with black trimming and black shorts. While I wore a pink bikini with white polka dots and a pair of black shorts.

  “Who?” I asked sneaking another glance towards the shed.

  “The hot biker guy in the shed,” she whisper-yelled, “he hasn’t taken his eyes off you since we walked out here.”

  “He is not,” I said.

  “Oh, he so is,” she said through her laughter, “So who is he?”

  “No one,” I said.

  “Bull, Low, he’s someone,” Cyndi said.

  “Shh, he’ll hear you,” I said, holding my finger against my lips.

  Laughing Cyndi said, “you’ll keep.”

  Climbing out of the pool, she wrapped a towel around her, bending over and whispering into my ear, “I bet that his eyes will follow that ass of yours all the way to the back door.” She sprang up and strutted to the gate.

  Grabbing my towel, I followed her across the yard to the back door. I can feel North’s eyes boring into my back the whole way. I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face.


  We spent a couple of hours getting ready while listening to music.

  I chose to wear my new dark denim jeans with black boots, and a light pink tank top. My hair was curled, and I added a light eyeliner, a bit of mascara and some lip gloss.

  Cyndi was we
aring black tights, and a green long flowing top that was slightly longer on one side. Her hair was fluffed, and she didn’t have a heap of makeup on either. She had lip gloss that shimmered, mascara and she had brushed a light shade of blusher on her cheeks.

  Dylan: “Ya ready? we’re in the car waiting.”

  Willow: Coming.

  Dylan: Hurry up!

  “They're ready to go,” I said to Cyndi walking towards the door, “come on.”

  Running down the stairs, yelling bye to Gran, I noticed North and Pyro standing in the kitchen with Gran. Shutting the front door, we rush over to the ute and jump in, buckling our seat belts as Dylan drives away.

  Matt and Dylan took us to a small Chinese restaurant on Main Street. Sitting in a booth towards the back, Cyndi and Matt sat on one side, Dylan and I on the other.

  After a couple of minutes, a waitress wandered over.

  “What drinks would you like tonight?” she chirped flirtatiously.

  “We’ll have a jug of coke and four glasses,” Matt said looking at Dylan.

  Dylan placed his hand on my knee, while he continued talking with Matt. The waitress returned, placing our drinks in the middle of the table.

  “What will it be?” She asked.

  “We’ll have Honey chicken, Mongolian beef, Sweet and sour pork and a special fried rice,” he said cockily as he handed the menu back, smiling flirtatiously at the waitress.

  Dylan’s hand moved up my thigh, and back down to my knee while he continued the conversation with Matt.

  When the food arrived, Matt and Dylan plated our food for us before handing us our plates. Sitting in relative silence we ate our meals, while Matt and Dylan chatted between themselves occasionally throwing questions at us.

  After we finished our meals, we walked down the street to the cinema. Dylan took my hand as we walked.

  It takes forever to pick a movie after looking at the movie display, Matt and Dylan picked the new Avengers movie for us to watch. Cyndi and I bought popcorn and drinks, while Matt and Dylan grabbed the tickets.

  Matt and Dylan sat in the middle of us with, me and Cyndi on either side of them. Dylan rubbed his hand up and down my leg throughout the movie, making me feel nervous, while he and Matt whispered between themselves.

  When the movie ended, we waited for everyone else to walk out before standing to leave. Dylan grabbed my hand and led me out of the cinema, pulling me towards him as he walked with his arm wrapped around me, pulling me into his side. His hand ran up and down the inside of my body, making me cringe all over.

  We made our way back up the street to the ute, and Dylan unlocked it. Opening the door, I jumped in the back next to Cyndi, glad to be in the ute and out of arm's reach.

  Pulling into the driveway, I unbuckled my seatbelt, getting out of the ute quickly. As I walked home, North pulled into my driveway revving his bike. Dylan looked across at North with a scowl on his face, and grabbing my hand he spun me towards him, leaning down to kiss me.

  “Willow,” Norths burly voice called out.

  Turning my head to look at North, I pushed Dylan away. He looked up and sneered at North before letting his hold loosen and smiling down at me. Looking back across to North I turned and started walking towards my house.

  “Willow,” He called again as I reached the door.

  I left the door open for him as I walked in and headed towards the kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty.


  I watch as Willow lazes around with her friend next to the pool in a little pink and white bikini with black shorts.

  I was supposed to be servicing Slammer’s bike, but I can't keep my eyes off Willow. I wanted to lick off the water droplets that ran down between the valley of her breasts.

  “Hey, peeping Tom,” Pyro said, chucking a dirty rag at me, “This work ain’t gonna do itself ya know,” he chuckled as he sat back down to drain the oil running his hand around his mouth.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled.

  “You’ve got it so bad dude,” Tank said laughing.

  “Fuck off!” I yelled.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I noticed a text from Rach.

  Rach: My room tonight 8 pm sharp!

  I pocketed my phone again, not even bothering to reply.

  Looking back out at Willow as she lays back in the pool side seating, I stare as her friend bends over her, whispering something in her ear. Standing she made her way to the gate as Willow got up, grabbing a towel she followed her friend out of the pool yard. I can’t take my eyes off her ass, as she makes her way across the yard.

  Pyro slapped me across the back of the head, laughing as he walked away.

  Standing in the kitchen later that afternoon chatting with Molly, Willow and her friend came bounding down the stairs yelling bye as they made their way out the front door.

  “Where are they going in such a rush?” I asked.

  “They have a big date tonight,” Molly said setting a plate in front of us, “dinner and a movie.”

  “With who?” I demanded.

  “The boys next door,” She said with a humorous glint in her eyes.

  “The new prospects?” I asked, looking at Tank who gives a nod of his head. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked, standing up as my chair crashes to the ground.

  Storming from the kitchen to the sound of their laughter, and out of the house, pulling my phone from my pocket and pulling up the tracking app.

  Arriving at the restaurant I parked across the street, watching the doors. I have the perfect view of the door.

  I had been waiting for an hour before they finally came out. As they started to walk down the street, he took her hand in his.

  I want to kill him for touching her, she belongs to me.

  I watch them as they walk towards the only cinema in town. Getting off my bike, I follow them. Sitting across from the cinema, I once again wait. Sitting, I played games on my phone and watched the door when my phone pinged with an incoming text.

  Rach: This is what you're missing.

  There was a picture of her wearing nothing but a red G-string.

  Deleting Rach’s message, I continued to watch the cinemas entrance.

  My phone started ringing, with Slammers name flashing on the screen.

  “Yeh,” I answer.

  “Where you at?” he asked.

  “Out.” I said.

  “You tailing my daughter on her date?” he asked with laughter in his voice.

  “Yep.” I said.

  “Any trouble?” he asked.

  “Nope.” I said.

  He laughed and hung up on me.

  I had just pocketed my phone when they walked out of the cinema. He had his arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer to his side, and his hand running up and down her side. I wanted to march over there and pull her away from him. He didn’t have a right to have his hands on her.

  They walk back up the street and hop in the ute, and I followed behind as they drove towards Willow’s house.

  She hopped out and walked towards the back of the ute, as I pulled into Willow’s driveway revving the engine. One of the guys grabbed Willow’s hand spinning her around to face him as he pulled her towards him. His hands are placed just above her ass, as his mouth descended towards hers.

  “Willow,” I called out.

  He lifted his head, looking over at me and giving me a dirty look. Willow pushed him away, and turning she walked back towards her house.

  I smile and nod my head at the douche that had his hands on Willow before following her to the front door.

  “Willow.” I yell as she enters the house leaving the door open for me.

  I stop and smile at him again, before shutting the door and following Willow.

  I followed her into the kitchen where she handed me a can of coke. “Thanks.” I said as she walks out of the kitchen.

  “How was your night?” I asked as she started to walk up the stairs.

  “Fine,” she murmured,
glancing over her shoulder at me.

  “Bro,” Pyro says from behind me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Ah bro, technically I live here,” he laughed.

  “You’ve barely been here since Willow moved in.”

  He shrugs his shoulders and walks into the kitchen cutting one of Molly’s cakes into slices. The front door slams shut making us go for our guns.

  “Willow,” Cyndi calls out. “Willow.” As she ran up the stairs.

  “That the reason you’re here brother?” I asked laughing at Pyro.

  He shakes his head and walks out to the lounge room, taking the cake with him.

  I pull my phone from my pocket, sending a text to Willow, ‘Night baby girl.’

  Chapter Twenty-One



  Dear Mum

  Last night I had my first real date. It was awkward, to say the least.

  We went and got dinner at a Chinese restaurant first, where Matt and Dylan ordered for us, not even giving us the chance to order for ourselves. I’d have preferred to have ordered my own food. It made me feel like a kid.

  What If I Wanted Something Different?

  What If I Didn’t Like What They Ordered?

  After dinner, we went to the movies, and once again they picked, while Cyndi and I bought snacks.

  We got stuck watching the new Avengers film.

  I couldn’t even sit next to Cyndi, as Matt and Dylan sat between us, so they could talk.

  When we got home at the end of the night Dylan tried to kiss me, but he didn’t get the chance to because North interrupted us.

  Seventeen and never been kissed. I know technically it should be sweet sixteen and never been kissed but I passed that without being kissed so it’s seventeen and never been kissed.

  North tried talking to me before I went upstairs, but I was too embarrassed to look at him after he witnessed my near kiss. Plus Pyro interrupted us.

  Love Forever and Always,

  Your Daughter





  Dear Mum

  Tonight, Cyndi is out on a second date with Matt. He was taking her to see some band play at the local club. She was super excited to go. I felt a little down when Cyndi told me, because I hadn’t been asked by Dylan to go. I hadn’t seen him much since our date. He sent me a couple of texts, but that was it.