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North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 15

  “You gonna stop that?” Scar asks indicating to North.


  Half smiling, he turns away from me picking his drink up off the bar.

  I had finally found out the truth about what had happened to Allison. I had found the guy that had killed her, even if it had taken over two years to do so.

  I had finally found out who was behind the photos and threats to Willow.

  I had found out who had helped him.

  The people that were responsible were currently out in the freezer at the back of the shed.

  We’d tortured them until they talked. Grub, a member of the LPG crew, wailed like a canary. We gave him and his buddy a swift death, a bullet straight between the eyes.

  The man that killed my Alli, we tortured him and sliced him open leaving him to bleed out slowly.

  Fuckers deserved the pain they got.

  Rach had helped Trent kidnap Willow for her own selfish reasons.

  She had also been a bitch to Willow since she first met her. We left the little slut in there to watch him die. Cunt was on a one-way road to hell, and I was going to put her there.


  It was the middle of the night as we dragged their bodies to the mine shaft.

  Scar had a hold of Rach as he tugged her along behind him. She had her wrists tied up, with a lead that Scar was pulling behind him making her trip and stumble all the way.

  Ice had Snake thrown over his shoulder.

  Tank and Wolf carried Grub, while Pup and I carried Trent.

  As we approach the old mine shaft Rach began sobbing and pleading for her life.

  “Please don’t kill me. Please. I’m so sorry I’m sorry,” she kept going the whole way.

  Ice stops, dropping Snake down the shaft.

  Grub was thrown down next.

  “Got the stick of Jelly?” Wolf asks.

  “Jelly, why would you need jelly?” Rach asks.

  “To throw down the mine shaft. Duh,” Ice said as we dropped Trent down the shaft.

  “But. But they're dead,” she wailed.

  “Dynamite. A stick of jelly is dynamite. Kaboom,” Pyro says bringing the box of dynamite with him.

  We all have a good laugh at that one.

  “Well, doll got any last words?” Scar asks.

  “Please don’t kill me. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m So Soo soorrryyy,” she wails.

  “Time's up,” I say holding the gun to her head.

  When I pull the trigger, she falls into the shaft.

  Pyro lights the dynamite stick and throws it down the shaft after her. We all ran back to our bikes and got out of there.

  Getting back to the clubhouse we all went our separate ways.

  Throwing back a couple of shots before making my way up the stairs.

  I send a text to North before jumping in the shower.

  Slammer: Trash has been taken out!!

  Chapter Forty-Seven.



  Dear Mum

  So, I got kidnapped! By one of your old work colleagues. Almost two years after he killed you, he kidnapped me.

  Dad and Scar told me everything, why he kidnapped me. That he had been sending photos of me to them along with threats. They told me that he killed you, that it wasn’t an accident. He ran into you pushing you in front of the oncoming truck. Which killed you.

  He was mad because you wouldn’t go out with him, you kept rejecting him and in the end, he blamed that on me. So, he was going to kidnap you and take you away from me, so he could have you, but he killed you instead and then he blamed me after you were gone.

  He was going to kill me next and if the club hadn’t of stopped him, he would have succeeded.

  Why didn’t you ask Dad for help?

  You received threats, but you ignored them? Why?

  You could have been alive and here with me right now, but you wouldn’t ask Dad for help.

  I’m sorry he did this to us but I’m not sorry that the club dealt with him.

  I don’t know what happened to him exactly. I know he is dead. I know that he can’t hurt me or anybody else again. I know that the guys that helped him, and Rach are all dead. North says, ‘the trash was taken out and that they can’t hurt me anymore’ but that’s he will say on the matter.

  I miss you so much.

  Love Forever and Always

  Your Daughter





  Dear Mum

  Today I finished my last exam. I’m finally finished with school. I think I did alright too. Some were a little hard, but I got through them the best that I could. I’ve done nothing but study for the last few weeks.

  I wish you were here.

  We graduate next week. I really wish you were here to see me graduate.

  I can’t wait for the party. It’s going to be fun. We’re having a party here on Saturday night. But there is a party on Friday night at Tim’s house. He’s on the football team at school and every other school sports team. Our whole year is going to attend.

  Cyndi, Jacob and I went shopping and bought new outfits for it. I can't wait.

  It should be a fun weekend.

  Love Forever and Always

  Your Daughter





  Dear Mum

  I graduated from High School today.

  Got my certificate and everything.

  North, Aiden, Gran, Scar and Pyro all attended my Graduation. Jacob’s family were all there - except for the twins of course (they haven’t been seen since they hopped in their ute and left town). Cyndi’s family were all there too.

  We all went out and had Chinese food after Graduation.

  Cyndi, Jacob and I are getting ready at Cyndi’s house for the party tonight.

  It’s days like today that I miss you even more. I know you are still with me every day and that you’d be proud of me.

  Miss you.

  Love Forever and Always

  Your Daughter



  Chapter Forty-Eight.


  I woke up. Rolling over I check my phone. I slept in. I had three messages.

  Jacob: Happy Birthday. Hope you have a good day and get very spoilt

  Cyndi: Happy B-day Babe. C u later.

  North: Happy Birthday Baby Girl. C U @ ur party later

  I was going to have a lazy morning in bed. I pick up the book that I had started reading last night.

  By the time I put my book down it was well after lunch, so I decided to get up and have a shower and get ready.

  I made my way downstairs to see what Gran was doing.

  She was in the kitchen with Aiden and Scar, doing what she loves, cooking.

  “Hey,” I say walking over to the kettle to make a cup of coffee.

  “Hey, sweetie. Happy Birthday,” Gran says kissing me on the cheek.

  Aiden stands up and walks over to me hugging me he says,

  “Happy birthday Will.” He hands me a box with a big bow on it.

  I pull the ribbon to remove the bow.

  Placing the bow on the bench I pull the lid off and inside is a set of keys.

  “What’s this?” I ask looking at Aiden.

  “Well, we decided to give you a joint present this year. We all went in on it. Pyro included. And well, we decided to buy you a car,” he explained.

  “Oh My God, you got me a car!” I scream excitedly.

  “Come on, let’s go check out your new car and take it for a spin,” Aiden says.

  “Enjoy it, my girl. Happy birthday,” Scar says pulling me in for a hug.

  We walk out to the car.

  Out the front was a white four-door Mazda 2, hatchback, with a big red bow on it.

  We spent a couple of hours driving around before heading back to the clubhouse.

“Thank you, Dad, I love it,” I say.

  “You called me Dad,” he says stunned.

  “It’s been a long time coming. I’m still getting used to the idea of calling you Dad, but Aiden just doesn’t seem right anymore.”

  We hop out of the car. He walks around to me and wraps me in a huge bear hug,

  “Thank you.”

  I turn and start to make my way to the door.

  “Willow - one more thing, North... he’s a good guy.”

  “I know.”

  “I just want you to know, I approve.”

  “Ok Dad. Thanks.”

  Turning, I make my way inside.


  Cyndi, Jacob and I had spent the last couple of hours in my room in the clubhouse getting ready for the party tonight.

  “You’re eighteen now,” Jacob says excitedly.

  “I know.”

  “So, you and North can now... you know,” Jacob says moving his eyebrows up and down.

  “He’s going to be mine by the end of the night,” I say interrupting him.

  “How are you going to make him yours?” Cyndi asks.

  “Like she’d have to do much,” Jacob chides, “he practically drools when she walks in the room.”

  “This is true,” Cyndi laughs.

  “As for how I’m going to accomplish making him all mine you’ll just have to wait and see,” I say turning the music up.

  Cyndi’s wearing denim short shorts with a slightly longer top that was see thru, under she has a hot pink tank top.

  Her hair was down and curled around her face.

  Jacob looked hot in a pair of jeans and a button-up shirt.

  His hair looked like he’d run his hands thru it but that’s how it was styled.

  I was wearing a short white dress.

  I had the silver necklace on that Cyndi gave me for my birthday and the matching earrings Jacob gave me. I teamed it all with a pair of rocking ankle boots.

  Walking out the door to the yard I look around searching for North.

  He was standing in front of Slammer, Scar, Pyro and Ice.

  I watch him for a minute before making a beeline directly to him.

  “NORTH!” I bellow.

  Spinning around to face me, his eyes roam down my body taking in my whole appearance.

  I started making my way towards him, not stopping until I was in front of him.

  I grab him the front of his shirt and pull him towards me, planting my lips against his.

  He wraps his arms around me, crushing me to his chest.

  I pull away with a smile.

  “What was that for?” he asks.

  Looking up at him I reply, “You weren’t going to make the first move, so I had to take matters into my own hands and make you mine.”

  Everybody laughs at my words, as North pulls me in for another soul shuttering kiss.

  Chapter Forty-Nine.


  Today is Willow's eighteenth birthday.

  Today is the day that my chains and restraints were coming off.

  I wasn’t going to see her until her party tonight. I just had to finish the jobs Slammer had given me and Pyro, which I was pretty sure he’d only given me to delay me in making Willow mine.

  Scar walks into the shed and looks around spotting us he grumbles, “What are you doing here boy?”

  “Finishing these jobs up,” I state.

  “Don’t be late,” he humphs before turning to leave as quickly as he came.

  A couple of hours later Pyro and I rode into the grounds and parked our bikes. There was a large bonfire roaring with brothers sitting all around it drinking, music blaring and fairy lights strung up all over the place.

  There were people dancing.

  Slammer, Scar, and Molly were standing by a table filled with food.

  Doc was manning the grill with Hacker and Ice.

  I look around but can’t spot Willow or her friends anywhere

  “Where is she?” I ask Pyro.

  “Dunno bro,” he says looking around, “she can’t be too far.”

  We make our way over to Slammer and Scar.

  “NORTH!” I spin around to see Willow; my eyes roam her body taking in the white dress and ankle boots she was wearing.

  Walking towards me she doesn’t stop until she stops right in front of me.

  Clutching the front of my shirt she pulls me in planting her lips on mine.

  Wrapping my arms around her I crush her to my chest.

  Pulling away she gives me a she smiles,

  “What was that for?” I ask.

  She looks up at me and shocks the hell out of with the words that tumble out of her mouth,

  “You weren’t going to make the first move, so I had to take matters into my own hands and make you mine.”

  Everybody laughs at her words, as I pull her in for another kiss.

  Slammer turns and grabs something from the table behind him, handing her a huge white box with a large blue and black bow on it.

  “What’s this?” she asks.

  “Open it and find out,” Slammer says.

  She tears the lid off and pulls out a leather cut. On the back it, it says, “Property of North.”

  She smiles and looks up at me. Turning the cut around showing, she shows me the front. On the left-hand side it says, “Club Princess,” and below that it says, “Baby Girl.”

  She puts it on and smashes her lips against mine. Pulling back, she whispers, “So, I’m your ol’ lady?”

  “Sure are Baby Girl,” I murmur pulling her back to my lips.

  We kiss to the cheers and hoots of my clubhouse.

  I finally had the girl of my dreams wrapped in my arms. I didn’t have to hold back anymore.

  I was never letting her go.

  Chapter Fifty


  North owned my heart and soul, but now I wanted him to own my body too.

  We came upstairs after the party downstairs.

  I had plans for tonight that involved only North and me.

  I rush straight into the bathroom. I’d already placed my stuff in there earlier and I was still wearing my new cut.

  I’d showered and shaved my legs, under my arms and between my legs.

  I then washed in my favourite vanilla body wash.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were dark and smokey, my lips were a dark burgundy colour.

  My hair was fluffed.

  I was barely dressed in lacy black panties, my new ‘Property of North’ cut and black stilettos.

  I took a deep breath and said to myself, ‘I can do this. There’s nothing to be nervous about. It’s North. Just get in there.’

  I'm opening the door. North sits up as I enter the room. His eyes roam my body as I stand leaning against the door frame.

  He licks his lips, his eyes burning with desire.

  I make my way over to the bed, to stand in front of him. His arms come up and grab me around the waist pulling me close to his body until I am flush up against him, nestled between his legs.

  “You’re so sexy,” he says before smashing his lips against mine.

  Our tongues are dancing, hot breath mingling, lips teasing.

  North’s hands roam across my back and down over my ass, squeezing it.

  Lifting me up with his hands under my butt, he throws me down on the bed.

  He's kissing his way up my inner leg, kissing up my body.

  Stopping at my breasts, he growls before taking a nipple into his mouth. Lavishing each one before moving back up my body and taking my mouth in a passionate kiss that has my toes curling.

  “Are you sure?” he asks moving his lips across to my ear and down my neck.

  I can barely concentrate my body and mind is completely taken over by North.

  “Willow?” looking down at me.

  I nod my head,

  “I want you North.”

  I'm reaching for the zipper of his pants. He grabs my hands and holds th
em in his.

  “There’s no going back once we do this,” he says, his eyes trailing back down to my naked breasts.

  “I know. I want this.”

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promises, kissing me.


  I kiss down her body nestling myself between her legs, the smell of her arousal, so intoxicating and heavenly.

  My dick presses painfully against the zipper of my jeans.

  I hook my fingers in her panties and pull them down her legs, tossing them on the floor behind me.

  I look down at her body spread out before me. She is exquisite; she has the perfect body, and it is all mine.

  I kiss and nibble her inner thigh before running my tongue up along her slit, opening her with my tongue, getting my first taste of her sweet, sweet nectar.

  Circling my tongue around her clit in lavishing strokes she shivers, her fingers pulling at my hair.

  “Mmm you taste so good.”

  The mewling sounds she makes get me hotter and I pick up the pace. Thrusting my tongue inside I use my thumb to rub small circles around her clit.

  She raises her hips to my mouth, silently begging for more.

  I swap my tongue for my finger inserting it into her slowly.

  She squirms and pulls at my hair, balling her hands into fists.

  I pick up my pace, adding another finger and sucking harder on her clit.

  Her whole body shakes as she comes undone.

  “Oh My God,” she screams covering her face with a pillow.

  I kiss my way back up her body taking my time to nibble and suck each nipple into my mouth.

  I move the pillow from over Willow's face.

  She has a huge smile on her face.

  So, I do the only thing I can do, I bend down and capture her mouth with mine.

  “You sure you're ready Baby Girl?” I ask.

  “Yes handsome,” she says pushing my hair back, “I want this. I’m ready.”

  “I won’t last long,”

  Kissing down the right side of her neck

  “Then we will just have to do it again,” she states sitting up.

  Pushing up in front of her so I am kneeling she undoes the button on my jeans and snakes my zipper down slowly, never breaking eye contact.

  She pushes my jeans down over my hips.

  My cock springs free, pointing up at us.

  I push her backwards until she’s lying spread out in front of me again.