North (Hell's Legacy MC Book 1) Page 12
“I’ve got other plans.”
“You’ve got to be joking! We always spend the night together when you get back from a run.”
“Not anymore we don’t.”
“Ever since that little slut turned up you’ve been chasing her god damn tail, like a love-sick puppy. You’ll never be good enough for her.”
I saw red. Grabbing her I pushed her up against the wall.
“You don’t call her a slut ever. You don’t go near her again, you don’t even look sideways at her. You do and you’re out. Got it?”
Five minutes later I was walking up the stairs to Willow’s room. I tried the handle, but it was locked. Pulling out my phone I sent her a text.
After five texts and no answer I gave up and walked back down to the party.
Pyro was at the bar. Slapping him on the shoulder I order a shot of whiskey and a beer.
“She didn’t let you in?”
“Nope,” I said shaking my head.
“Should’ve known after that entry,”
“What do you mean?”
“She was sitting up the top of the stairs when we came in, she saw Rach jump you. She walked off brother.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
As I walk into the kitchen it’s buzzing with life. North is sitting at the table with Pyro, Scar, Aiden and Ice. I want answers to North’s little slip the other night, but I wasn't ready to face North after last night. I need answers though, and they were all right here in front of me.
Walking up to them, putting my hands on the table, I lean down looking at them all. I focus on Aiden and Pyro.
“What is Pyro to me?” I ask.
“What?” Aiden asks.
“Oh no,” Ice comments.
Pyro looks at North, “What did you say to her?”
“It just slipped out,” North confesses.
“Fucking hell,” Scar says slamming his glass down on the table.
“Well, are you gonna answer me?” I yell.
Rach walks over to me from the other side of the room grabbing my arm, pulling me around, getting right up in my face she says, “You don’t talk to them like that. Little sluts like you need to learn your place and show respect.”
Aiden and North stand up so fast their chairs crash to the ground behind them. “Get your goddamn hands off my daughter now!” Aiden roars.
“Your what?” Rach stammers dropping my arm.
“His daughter,” I snap.
“You can pack your shit and get the hell out. Second chances only come but once, and you're done. You are no longer welcome in this clubhouse. I warned you last night!” North says. Picking his chair back up, he takes my hand and pulls me onto his lap. The gesture gets some side looks from Aiden and Scar.
“You can’t do that, you can’t throw me out,” Rach screeches.
“We just did!” yells Pyro.
“You ruined everything, he was mine, I was gonna be his ol’ lady! You’ll pay for this. You Fucking Slut!”
“Get her out of here now, out of my sight and out of my clubhouse,” Aiden says looking at Ice.
Ice stands up, grabbing her by the arm, “You’ve been told, now shut up.” He leads her out of the room.
Pyro growls. “I’m your brother,” he says to me before telling North, “I will kill you and dump your body, brother.”
“My brother?”
“Yep, Baby Girl this ugly bastard here is your older brother,” North says slapping Pyro on the back.
“Shut up asshole,” Pyro snaps.
“I have a brother?”
“Yes, Baby Girl you do,” North said tucking my hair behind my ear.
“How? Why didn’t any of you tell me?”
“You’d just lost your Mum when you first got here, your world was thrown upside down. So, I decided it was best to keep the MC separate from your life,” Aiden explains.
“You kept my whole family from me, Gran, Scar and now Pyro. You have kept everybody from me my whole life SLAMMER. Even before my Mother died.”
“Willow,” North says sternly.
Standing from Norths lap I yell, “No. I’m done with this bullshit and all the damn lies.”
“Willow, we’re your family, we did it to protect you,” Aiden snaps.
“Family, you’ve got to be joking. You are not my family. My family is dead.” With those words lingering, I bolt from the room.
I keep running straight out the door and down the road. Pulling my phone from my pocket I ring Jacob. He picks up on the first ring
“Can you come and get me please?” I sob.
“Where are you?”
“In the park down the road from the clubhouse.”
“I’ll be there soon.”
Jacob hangs up and I put my phone back in my pocket.
Jacob: I’m here
I run out of the toilets and haul my arse to Jacob's car.
“Where are we going?” Jacob asks.
“I dunno I just couldn’t be there anymore.”
“We going to school today?”
“I guess,” I mumble.
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain it all to both you and Cyndi when we get to school ok?”
Arriving at school Jacob parks, turning to me.
He asks, “Are you ok?”
“Yeh, I’m fine, I’m just angry.”
We wait inside the vehicle, me fixing my makeup and Jacob fiddling with his hair while constantly checking his phone.
Ten minutes later the back door opens, and Cyndi jumps in, slamming the door behind her.
“Spill it,” she demands.
“How do...” I began before she interrupts.
“How do I know? Jacob texted me. Now spill,”
“I have a brother. One that everyone in the club decided to keep a secret. He’s older than me, He’s in the club.”
“Wow,” they both say.
“So, which one is your brother?” Jacob asks.
“That hunk of a man is your brother?” Cyndi comments, shocked.
“Apparently so yeah.”
“You don’t like having a brother,” Jacob asks.
“It’s not that. I’m almost eighteen and up until I was sixteen Aiden visited twice a year every year. Pyro grew up in the clubhouse with Aiden, but Aiden never once brought Pyro to visit. He never once told me I had a brother. My Mother never once told me I had a brother. Everyone kept this from me and that makes me angry.”
“Ok so do you want your brother in your life?” Cyndi asks.
“I’ve always wanted an older brother.”
“So, get to know him,” Jacob says opening his door, “but we gotta get to class now”.
We all jump out of the car and head to class.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
“Well, that went well,” Scar snaps as he and Slammer stand up from the table to leave the room.
“Yeh really well,” says Pyro, “how exactly did it just slip out, fuck head?”
“We were talking, and she asked why I never make a move on her. I told her Slammer and Scar would skin me alive and you’d set me alight.”
“You’re a fucking idiot brother,” Pyro spits through his laughter.
“Ha ha ha, laugh it up asshole,” I say shoving him sideways.
“How long do ya think she’s gonna sulk in her room for?” Pyro asks.
“Dunno, why?”
“I just, I’d like to explain it all to her.”
We sat in the kitchen finishing our breakfast. I’d texted Willow a couple times checking on her, but I hadn’t got any response.
Slammer comes storming through the door, “She’s not in her room.”
“What?” Jumping up from the table, I rush up the stairs. Banging on her door. Nothing. I try the door handle, it swings open. The room’s
empty. I check the bathroom. She’s not in there either.
“Where the hell is she?” I ask Pyro as he stands in the doorway. He shrugs his shoulders.
We walk down the stairs. Slammer, Scar, Ice, Hacker and Tank are all standing in the main room. They turn and watch us as we approach.
“How did you know she wasn’t in her room?” I ask Slammer.
He doesn’t say anything. Instead he turns and walks towards the meeting room, where we held church. He shuts the door, taking his phone out of his pocket, fiddling with it for a minute, and then hands it to me.
There were pictures on the screen.
Willow running through the clubhouse gates.
Willow running down the road.
Willow running through the park.
There was also a text
‘I know where your daughter is. Do you?’
“What the Fuck!” I roar handing the phone to Pyro.
“When Willow first moved in here after her mother died, I received a letter threatening Willow’s life. It came with some photos of the car accident her Mother was in. On the back of one of the photos of Willow on the floor crying there was a message that said,
‘I’m coming for her next.’
That was about the time I put North on Willow's’ tail. I also had the lads in school watch out for her too. Every couple of months I receive more photos of Willow. Some are just Willow walking to school. Others are her shopping with Cyndi and Jacob. But some of them are her in her room getting undressed, by the pool, asleep in her bed. In the last couple of months, they have gotten worse.”
“You son of a Bitch!” I yell.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Tank asks.
“I put a tail on her. Pyro knew I had received some photos in the beginning. North, I told you I suspected she was in danger. Then nothing ever happened. I have a P.I looking into everything and he’s never been able to find anything,” Slammer said.
“Why are you telling us now then?” I ask.
“You love my daughter.” He doesn’t ask me a question, he says it more like he was telling me, but I answer him anyway.
“I’d die for her.”
“That’s what I want to hear,” he says nodding, “I’m telling you now because I received these yesterday.” He hands me an envelope.
I pull the contents out. Photo after photo of Willow stared me in the face. The last photo was Willow sitting on my bike, leaning over the fuel tank. I was standing in front of it looking down at her. Her eyes shone. The smile on her face said all I needed to know. I remember it because it was the first time she’d sat on my bike. I had been working on it when she walked in the gate after school. She’d wandered over to me dropping her bag in the dirt and climbed onto my bike asking when I was going to take her out for a spin on it. She wore her blue school skirt, a white blouse, black shoes and a blue tie. Her hair was up.
There was a note with it:
Your daughter will be dead soon.
She’s not going to reach eighteen.
She won’t graduate from high school.
She won’t ever get married.
She won’t ever have kids.
She won’t grow old.
Better say your goodbyes.
Before you no longer can.
“FUCK!” I want to punch something. Instead, I slam my fists down on the table. “Where is she?”
“She’s at school,” Slammer states.
“Are you sure?” I ask pulling my phone out to check her location on the tracker. I should have done it to start off with, but I had to check her room with my own eyes.
“Yes, North I rang them myself and Hacker logged into the school system to double check that she’s marked present,” Slammer says.
“Do we know who’s doing this?” Pyro asks having looked through all the photos.
“No,” Slammer said starting to pace again. “Hacker I need you to go through everything from Allison and Willow’s lives. Don’t leave a stone unturned. I want to know everything.” Hacker left to go and find out everything he could.
“North, Pyro, I need you on Willow more now than ever. Both of you on her at all times, she doesn’t get left alone.” We both nod.
“I want security doubled on this place. Gates stay locked. Parties are in-house only, no outsiders. For all intents and purposes, the club is on lockdown.” We all nod.
We all went to the bar. Ice tapped on the bar, the prospect looked up, glancing our way and got down five shot glasses. He lines them up and pours them out.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to my girl. Over my dead body will that girl get hurt,” Scar says swallowing his shot.
“Fucking oath!” we all chorus, slamming our shots back.
We wait out the front of the school gates for Willow, leaning up against my ute. The bell had just rung. We got a few odd looks from some of the students. Girls walk out and stop to stare, running their eyes up our bodies. Some of the brother’s kids walk past and nod their heads in greeting, showing respect.
Willow walks out with Cyndi and Jacob at her side. Jacob taps her on the shoulder and points towards us. She stops and looks our way, before making her way towards us.
She looks at the ute Pyro was still leaning against.
“I’ll talk to you guys later. See ya.”
“Text us,” Cyndi yells. All of them wave at each other.
Nodding her head, she walks towards the ute.
“No bikes today” she sasses.
“What are you doing here?” she asks.
“Picking you up,” I say at the same time Pyro says.
“Taking you to get food.”
She looks between the both of us before shaking her head and saying, “No thanks.” She turns to walk away from us. My arm shoots out and grabs her hand spinning her back into my chest.
“No room for debate Baby Girl, you're coming with us,” I murmur into her ear before grazing my teeth along her earlobe, breathing in her scent.
She pulls out of my hold and faces the both of us.
“We even bought the ute, just for you,” Pyro says.
Willow jumps up into the ute, scooting over into the middle, I climb in behind her as Pyro walks around to the driver’s side.
We pull up in front of a café.
Walking in a guide Willow to an open booth at the back of the café, I let Willow slide in first before sitting beside her. Pyro sits on the other across from us.
A waiter walks over, curling her hair around her finger as she smiles flirtatiously at us.
“What can I get for you gentlemen?” she coos, ignoring Willow completely.
“Willow what would you like?” Pyro asks.
“Iced chocolate and chips and gravy.”
Pyro orders our food and drinks without paying any attention to the waitress.
“Ok shoot Willow. You want answers and I’m going to give them to you,” Pyro says.
“OK,” Willow says looking at me and then Pyro, “How long have you know about me?”
“Since the day you were born. Dad took me to the hospital to meet you. I was super excited. I wanted a little brother and when I got there and I saw this pink bundle with its face all screwed up crying. I was disappointed, but then I took hold of your hand and you stopped crying. I was glad I had a little sister after that”
“Why didn’t you come to visit when he did?”
“I don’t know. I did come a couple times, you were young, and you were like a little shadow that followed me around everywhere.”
“You only came a couple of times?” she asks. I place my hand on her leg.
“My Mother. She thought I liked Allison more than her, she was jealous, so to save the shit fight I never went back. I know I should have. I’m sorry.”
“Ok, I guess I can forgive you for that,” she says, as the waitress brings our food to the table.
sit around the table eating for a bit.
“Why didn’t you tell me when I moved here?”
“Dad didn’t want to add to your stress and make it worse for you.”
“What’s your real name?”
“Tyler, but you’re not allowed to tell anyone or call me that when anyone else is around. Got it?”
“Ok I won’t.”
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-five. Same as North.”
“Where is your Mum now?”
“Dunno, don’t care.”
Willow didn’t ask any more questions. She ate the rest of her food and drank her ice chocolate. Pyro went to pay as we strolled out of the café. Taking her hand, I lead her to the ute.
“So, we cool now?” Pyro asks, catching up to us.
“Yep,” Willow says not looking up from her phone.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Dear Mum
The house got shot up and we moved into the clubhouse. I’ve been here for a few months now. Friday and Saturday nights are club parties, I’m not allowed to attend them, so I spend those nights in my room. North usually joins me after he’s had a few drinks with the boys and played a couple games of pool.
I spend a lot of time with North watching movies and getting to know him. He drops me off at school and picks me up. If he can’t then one of the other brothers do, usually Pyro. But I’m not allowed on the back of their bikes.
I found out I have a brother, he’s Norths best mate Pyro. They grew up in the clubhouse together. You know all this though. His mother bailed on him and he has no idea where she is. She sounds like a complete screw loose though. His real name is Tyler, but he told me I’m not allowed to call him that. He prefers to be called Pyro.
I’ve gotten fairly close with all of the brothers of the club, we have movie nights every Sunday. Cyndi and Jacob usually come too. We all make popcorn and chill out for the afternoon. The best part about it is no club girls are allowed.
I’ve spent more time with Aiden too. We have a weekly family dinner now, it’s usually on a Tuesday. Just Aiden and me. On Wednesdays, we have a whole family dinner. We all go out, Gran, Scar, Pyro, Aiden and me. Sometimes North comes too.